Providing virtual case management services for people with HIV
Telehealth helps people with HIV stay engaged and better manage their health.

It is important to follow any disease treatment plan. This can be challenging for individuals with HIV and other chronic conditions. Telehealth can help overcome barriers to care.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides case management services for low-income people with HIV. Case managers help coordinate health care services, including through telehealth. They also help the client access social services like housing and food.
In Dallas County, case workers use technology to care for clients. Telehealth is an effective tool to support continued engagement. People with HIV can connect with their case worker without leaving their home or taking time off work. These ongoing interactions help keep clients actively engaged in their treatment.
Telehealth is an effective tool to support continued engagement. People with HIV can connect with their case worker.
The use of telehealth has been “extremely convenient for clients and drastically reduced no show rates.”
The Dallas County Health Department found that many clients and providers want to keep using telehealth. The use of telehealth has been “extremely convenient for clients and drastically reduced no show rates. Patients are very engaged… they can follow their care plan and remain compliant.” Virtual visits allow patients to meet with their case worker with minimal disruption to their life.
Providers also appreciate the flexibility of telehealth. Using telehealth, providers can quickly transition from one appointment to another. This allows them to see more patients. Also, meeting online makes their schedules more flexible. Providers can often fit in last-minute appointments.
The success of using telehealth to support case management has led the Dallas County Health Department to think ahead. They are planning other services that could be offered using telehealth.