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Needs Assessment of Virtual Nursing Implementation Using the Donabedian Framework
This study described the process for implementing virtual nursing. Key considerations include: virtual nurse availability, virtual nursing equipment, virtual nursing center layout, virtual nurse training, electronic health record compatibility, and policies and procedures.
Racial and Ethnic and Rural Variations in the Use of Hybrid Prenatal Care in the US
This study looked at hybrid prenatal telehealth use, including by race and ethnicity and geographic location, before and during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Findings indicate that while hybrid prenatal care increased during the COVID-19 PHE, overall rates remain low. The study found that patients who were urban and racial and ethnic minorities were more likely to have hybrid care.
The impact of internet connectivity when conducting a virtual clinical trial with participants living in rural areas
Virtual clinical trials require internet access, which may be an issue for rural communities. This study found that virtual clinical trials can effectively involve people in rural areas and may increase access to clinical trials.
Trends in Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth, 2019-2021 Part II: Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Utilization Trends by Enrollee and Provider Rurality
This brief highlights telehealth use in Medicaid and CHIP including and enrollee and provider characteristics. Results showed that while overall telehealth use increased, urban enrollees had higher gains of telehealth by the end of 2021.
Use of Medicare-Covered Telerehabilitation for Physical and Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology Services during the COVID19 Public Health Emergency
This brief highlighted the use and experience of telehealth for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology by therapist practices and nursing homes. The report concludes that a hybrid model of care for rehabilitation may be the most effective.
Attrition of remote patient monitoring use for hypertension management in Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries (2018–2021)
This research letter documents the rate of hypertension-related remote patient monitoring (RPM) use, as measured by documented claims for RPM in Medicare data. Findings showed females had a lower likelihood of persistent RPM use, adjusting for other demographics, prior hospitalization, and emergency department (ED) visit. Rural patients had a better likelihood of persistent RPM compared to urban patients, unlike previous literature on chronic care management, wherein no meaningful rural/urban difference was noted.
Community-Level Internet Connectivity and Utilization of Maternal Telehealth
This research was to determine whether community-level internet penetration is associated with community-level utilization of maternal telehealth services. There is a positive association between community-level internet connectivity and maternal telehealth utilization, and the association varies in magnitude across the maternal telehealth utilization distribution. Findings align with those of other studies in demonstrating that internet connectivity may be an important determinant of health and a contributor to inequities in telehealth utilization.
Examining the use of telehealth to initiate buprenorphine for opioid use disorder treatment
This research looked at patterns of initiation of buprenorphine via telehealth. Results showed the highest proportion of buprenorphine initiation via telehealth for Medicare patients and the lowest proportion for Medicaid patients. Additionally, the highest proportion of buprenorphine initiations via telehealth was prescribed by behavioral health physicians.
Health Care Utilization With Telemedicine and In-Person Visits in Pediatric Primary Care
This research investigated compared in-person and telehealth visits and impacts on downstream health care utilization such as follow-up office visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalization, along with medication prescribing and imagining and lab ordering in pediatric primary care. The results showed that telephone and video visits, when compared to in-person visits, were associated with lower rates of prescribing and ordering , higher rates of subsequent in-person visits and ED visits, and no difference in hospitalizations.
Identifying Factors Associated With Variation in Telemental Health Delivery at Federally Qualified Health Centers
This study examined workforce characteristics and impact on telemental health deliver at federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). Findings show variation in telemental health by state and clinician type.
Telemedicine Use Among Adults With and Without Diagnosed Prediabetes or Diabetes, National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2021 and 2022
This brief examined telehealth use among adults with prediabetes or diabetes. Results showed that approximately one-third to one-half of adults with prediabetes or diabetes used telehealth. Disparities in telehealth use among sociodemographic characteristics were identified.
The Association Between Telehealth Use During Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder and Clinical Outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study
This study evaluated whether telehealth utilization during opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment compared to in-person encounters alone was associated with emergency department (ED) utilization, inpatient admissions, and mortality within three years of initiating buprenorphine. This is a retrospective cohort study 2012-2022 of Veterans diagnosed with OUD. In this longitudinal, national assessment of telehealth incorporation treatment of OUD with buprenorphine, findings showed decreased risk of ED visits, inpatient admissions, and mortality associated with telehealth compared those who had in-person visits only.
The Effect of Telehealth on Cost of Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systemic Review
This systematic review explored how expanded telehealth access during the COVID-19 public health emergency affected costs of care. All studies conducted from the patient perspective noted lower productivity losses or time-based opportunity savings. In health care systems it was noted productivity gains could be achieved through care use avoidance (e.g., emergency department visits), the ability of remote monitoring to vacate inpatient hospital beds, and decreased levels of care intensity by health care professionals. Findings reveal telehealth may be associated with cost savings from both a patient and health care sector perspective.
The Effect of Telehealth on Cost of Health Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Updated Systematic Review
This brief highlights the impact of telehealth on health care costs. The studies reviewed showed cost savings, particularly for patients, when comparing telehealth to in-person care. The cost savings varied based on health condition treated and telehealth modality.
Trends in In-Person and Telehealth-Involved Controlled Medication Initiations Among Adults with Private Insurance
This brief shows trends in initiations of stimulants, benzodiazepines, buprenorphine for opioid use disorder, and opioid analgesics among patients with private health insurance. Overall, most patients received their initial prescription for controlled medication without telehealth.
Understanding the Optimal Balance of Using Telehealth and In-Person Services to Support Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance
This brief highlights access and use of telemental health services for patients with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbance. Results showed that providers and patients believe telehealth can support mental health care, especially for underserved groups, but decisions on telehealth use should be case dependent.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis, Treatment, and Telehealth Use in Adults
This study looked at diagnosis, treatment, and telehealth use for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Findings revealed that telehealth may improve access to care with approximately one half of adults with ADHD using telehealth for ADHD-related services.
Examining use of telehealth in jails: linking women to community OUD services
This study looked at telehealth use for opioid use disorder treatment for incarcerated women. Findings highlight positive provider feedback, including perception of increasing access to care.
How is digital health suitability measured for communities? A systematic review
This systematic review investigated digital health suitability assessments of patients and communities. Various factors were identified that contribute to digital health suitability including device access and broadband availability.
Primary Care Telemedicine and Care Continuity: Implications for Timeliness and Short-term Follow-up Healthcare
This research looked at effectiveness of telehealth when used with a patient’s primary care provider (PCP) compared to another available PCP. Findings highlight that most visits were with a patient’s PCP and that telehealth visits were timelier. Additionally, there were differences in return office and emergency department visits between in-person and telehealth with a larger difference when patients saw another available PCP compared to the patient’s PCP.
AHRQ’s digital healthcare research program: 20 years of advancing innovation and discovery
This article shares the efforts of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality on telehealth.
Assessing Telemental Health Uptake and Associated Health Care Resource Implications among Mississippi Medicaid Enrollees with Major Depression
This study explored the use of telemental health among Mississippi Medicaid enrollees with major depression. The study looked at how sociodemographic factors influence telemental health adoption and the impact on health care use and costs. Telemental health users tended to be older, rural residents, and from areas with higher deprivation. They also showed higher rates of health care utilization and Medicaid expenditures.
Differences in Behavioral Health Treatment among Rural American Clinics Utilizing In-Person and Telehealth Treatment Modalities
This study looked at telehealth and in-person behavioral health care for rural patients. Findings showed differences between telehealth and in-person treatment groups related to age, race, ethnicity, and insurance status.
Medical visits and mortality among dementia patients during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to rates predicted from 2019
This study looked at use of telehealth in primary care, emergency care, and long-term care along with mortality for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Findings reveled primary care telehealth visits offset in-person office visits starting at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing access to care for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Parent, Physician, and Therapist Experience of In-Person, Hybrid, and All-Virtual Models of Physiatry Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs
This study compared parent and physician experiences using in-person, hybrid, and all-virtual pediatric physiatry care. Findings showed no differences in parent experience between in-person, hybrid, and all-virtual care. However, health care professionals rated quality of care, parent education, and physical exam lower for all-virtual care. Overall, hybrid pediatric physiatry care is perceived to be a high-quality alternative to in-person care.
Telemedicine Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Office-based Physicians and Long-term Care Providers
This study examined use of telehealth by office-based physicians and long-term care providers. Results show that approximately four in five physicians in office-based settings used telehealth in 2021 while about one in five adult day service centers and two in five residential care communities used telehealth for COVID-19 care in 2020. Office-based physicians and long-term care providers that use electronic health records and that are larger were more likely to use telehealth.
Barriers and Opportunities for Improving Interstate Licensure Portability for Behavioral Health Practitioners: Technical Expert Panel Findings Issue Brief
Telehealth has the potential to enhance access to behavioral health services, but interstate licensure challenges hinder its widespread use. Interstate licensure portability could facilitate cross-state licensure but face adoption barriers. This brief explains that in order to improve acceptance, licensure portability should focus on a single discipline, cover in-person and remote care, and have a national scope.
Trends in Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth, 2019-2021 Part I: Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Utilization by Enrollee Characteristics
Telehealth use increased during the COVID-19 pandemic for Medicaid and CHIP enrollees, regardless of age or race and ethnicity.
Transforming patient-centered cancer care using telehealth: the MATCHES Center
This research shares the work of a telehealth research center exploring how telehealth can improve patient-centered and convenient cancer care. The research focuses on evaluating telehealth as a method to personalize cancer care, ensuring it remains safe, effective, and efficient. This article outlines a research strategy and discusses challenges in integrating telehealth into standard oncology practice.
Telehealth Availability for Mental Health Care During and After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
This study evaluated changes in telehealth availability at mental health treatment facilities in the U.S. during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Findings revealed a slight decline in telehealth services post-PHE, with fewer facilities offering audio-only telehealth. Additionally, some facilities limited telehealth availability to specific conditions.
The Efficacy of Telemental Health Interventions for Mood Disorders Pre-COVID-19: A Narrative Review
This review investigates the efficacy of telemental health services for serious mood disorders before the COVID-19 pandemic. Results showed telemental health improved access to care and follow-up rates compared to in-person treatment, with similar clinical outcomes. Studies also indicated telemental health improved mood outcomes compared to usual treatment.
Predeductible Coverage and Receipt of Telemental Health Visits
This study assessed the impact of reintroducing cost sharing on telehealth utilization for mental health services. The research found that when patients had to pay out-of-pocket for telemental health visits, there was a significant decrease in both the number of visits per patient and the proportion of patients accessing care.
Scalable Telehealth Cancer Care: integrated healthy lifestyle program to live well after cancer treatment
This research shares how a center is using telehealth to address risk behaviors in cancer survivors through a trial comparing telehealth-based treatment with self-guided care. The center aims to implement, evaluate, and disseminate a telehealth program for multiple risk behaviors across a hospital system. This study shows how the program faces implementation challenges but seeks to improve survivorship care and provide a model for integrating telehealth in cancer care.
Feasibility of Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring for Detection and Management of Maternal Hypertension in a predominantly Black, Rural and Medicaid Population in Mississippi
This study examined the feasibility of using remote blood pressure monitoring (RPM) to manage maternal hypertension in a predominantly Black, rural, and Medicaid population in Mississippi. Results indicate that RPM can be a practical tool for detecting and managing maternal hypertension in underserved populations.
Health care utilization in Alaska Native people receiving chronic disease specialty care by videoconsultation compared to propensity-matched controls
This study looked at telehealth’s impact on health care utilization and outcomes for Alaska Native patients with chronic diseases. Findings show that patients who used telehealth had higher hospitalization and outpatient visit rates but lower rates of emergency department visits.
Comparison of 30-day retention in treatment among patients referred to opioid use disorder treatment from emergency department and telemedicine settings
This study looked at telehealth referrals for medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) from emergency settings. The study found that patients referred via telemedicine were more likely to attend their initial clinic appointment and remain engaged in treatment after 30 days compared to those referred from an emergency department.
The evolution of health system planning and implementation of maternal telehealth services during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study explored how health systems adopted telehealth for maternal services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. While all health systems interviewed transitioned to telehealth during the pandemic, with some integrating it into routine care, barriers like device coverage and connectivity issues persist.
Remote Evidence-Based Programs for Health Promotion to Support Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Mixed Methods Outcome Evaluation
This study assessed the impact of remote delivery of evidence-based programs for health promotion on older adults' health and well-being. The evaluation included diverse delivery modes and participants, revealing significant improvements in health, energy, sleep quality, loneliness, depressive symptoms, and technology anxiety. The majority of providers also reported that remote delivery maintained effectiveness.
National Cancer Institute-funded grants focused on synchronous telehealth cancer care delivery: a portfolio analysis
The use of telehealth in cancer care increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a marked rise in funding for related research by the US National Cancer Institute from 2020 to 2022. Most of these grants focused on treatment and survivorship, often targeting health disparity populations, and frequently utilized rigorous study designs and digital technologies. The findings suggest a growing integration of telehealth into routine cancer care, highlighting the need for continued research to guide clinical practice.
Telehealth Research and Innovation for Veterans with Cancer: the THRIVE Center
The Telehealth Research and Innovation for Veterans with Cancer (THRIVE) center aims to address health equity in telehealth-delivered cancer care. Using frameworks like Health Disparities Research and Implementation Research, THRIVE focuses on understanding how social determinants such as race, ethnicity, poverty, and rurality influence telehealth use.
Patient perceptions of and experiences with stigma using telehealth for opioid use disorder treatment: a qualitative analysis
This study examined how telehealth affects stigma experienced by patients with opioid use disorder (OUD). The study found that while telehealth offers greater control and privacy, reducing stigma associated with OUD, it can also create new challenges depending on individual and clinician perceptions.
Satisfaction with Telehealth Care in the United States: Cross-Sectional Survey
This study using Health Information National Trends Survey 6 data found that 70% of U.S. adults with recent telehealth visits used audio-video, and 75% felt their telehealth visits were as good as in-person care. Satisfaction did not significantly differ by demographic factors or visit modalities, indicating widespread acceptance of telehealth post-COVID-19.
Provider-to-provider telemedicine for sepsis is used less frequently in communities with high social vulnerability
This study investigated social vulnerability index (SVI) and use of provider-to-provider emergency department (ED) telehealth for sepsis. The study found that telehealth consultations for sepsis were less frequently used in rural counties with higher social vulnerability, particularly due to factors of housing and transportation. Additionally, the research shows that providers with less experience in sepsis care were more likely to use telehealth for sepsis care, increasing access to specialized care.
Comparison of Short-Term Health Care Utilization Between Telemedicine-Delivered vs In-Person Care Visits for Heart Failure
This study explores the use of telemedicine for patients with heart failure. Researchers found that more visits used telemedicine, with telephone visits associated with more follow-up appointments but fewer emergency department visits than in-person care. Hospitalization rates were similar across all types of visits.
Disparities in Maternal Health Visits Between Rural and Urban Communities in the United States, 2016-2018
This analysis looked at maternal health care disparities. Rural patients were less likely to receive any medical visits pre-pregnancy. Telehealth may help address gaps in care.
Tele-mental health service: Unveiling the disparity and impact on healthcare access and expenditures during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mississippi
This study investigated the impact of tele-mental health services on health care access and costs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mississippi. It highlights disparities in access to mental health services, emphasizing the importance of telehealth for underserved communities.
Telemental Health Services Usage and Association with Health Care Utilization and Expenditures Among Vulnerable Medicare Beneficiaries in 2019: A Comparative Study Using Propensity Score Matching
This study evaluates the use of telemental health among Medicare beneficiaries with major depressive disorder and its impact on health care utilization and expenditures. While telemental health users initially showed higher inpatient admissions, emergency department visits, and total expenditures, post matching analysis revealed that telemental health was associated with a 25% reduction in outpatient visits and a 20% reduction in pharmacy expenditures. These findings highlight the potential of telemental health to improve access to care and reduce costs for vulnerable populations.
Tele-behavioral Health Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries During Covid-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall percentage of Medicare beneficiaries receiving behavioral health services decreased slightly, but tele-behavioral health usage rose significantly. Women, urban residents, and younger beneficiaries (under 65) showed higher tele-behavioral health usage. Findings show similar rates of tele-behavioral health use among Black, White, and Hispanic beneficiaries, while Asian beneficiaries had lower use.
Trends and Disparities in Pandemic Telehealth Use among People with Disabilities
This research examines telehealth use among people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting increased reliance on audio-only telehealth to maintain access to care. Despite higher telehealth usage, overall care rates declined, especially for people with disabilities, with mobility disabilities showing the highest usage and hearing disabilities the lowest, indicating a need for tailored telehealth policies.
Telehealth and delivery of alcohol use disorder treatment in the Veterans Health Administration
This study investigates telehealth utilization among Veterans Health Administration patients receiving treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings indicate that while telehealth, particularly video visits, is associated with increased psychotherapy visits and medication coverage days for AUD treatment, certain patient groups, such as older individuals and those with specific substance use disorders or mental health conditions, are less likely to utilize video telehealth, highlighting the importance of maintaining multiple treatment modalities to ensure equitable access to care.
Increasing Telehealth Use during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and Healthcare Disparities: An Updated Systematic Review
The COVID-19 public health emergency led to increased telehealth use, but early studies showed that telehealth did not reduce disparities in health care access. This updated research review analyzed recent studies and found that more studies focused on overall health care utilization. The conclusions remain similar: studies show telehealth has not significantly reduced disparities in access to care among disadvantaged groups.
Telehealth Experience Among Patients With Limited English Proficiency
This cross-sectional study examines the impact of limited English proficiency (LEP) on telehealth utilization and patient visit experiences in California. Results highlight disparities in telehealth access and experience, revealing higher odds of worse visit experiences among LEP patients compared to English-proficient counterparts, even after adjusting for relevant covariates.
Multidisciplinary proactive e-consults to improve guideline-directed medical therapies for patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: an implementation study
This study evaluated a multidisciplinary proactive electronic consultation system aimed at improving the prescription of guideline-directed medical therapies for type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Results showed that the electronic consultation system was effective. However, primary care providers highlighted feasibility issues.
Factors Associated with Acute Telemental Health Consultations in Older Veterans
This study examined characteristics of older veterans receiving telemental health care in emergency department and urgent care clinics. Patients who were high-risk or had consultation with resident physicians were less likely to use telemental health. Telemental health use was not impacted by visit timing, patient gender, patient comorbidities, and medications.
Interdisciplinary videoconference model for identifying potential adverse transition of care events following hospital discharge to postacute care
The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes-Care Transitions program utilized multidisciplinary videoconferences to reduce post-discharge errors in older adults transitioning from hospitals to postacute care settings. The study found that 14.7% of these virtual care discussions identified medical errors, with higher risks for patients discharged from surgical services or the emergency department and those discharged later in the day, underscoring the importance of virtual care in mitigating these events.
Telemedicine and In-Person Visit Modality Mix and Electronic Health Record Use in Primary Care
This study examined how telehealth use affects the amount of time providers spend documenting information in the electronic health record (EHR). The research found no evidence that telehealth increases EHR-based work on days when all visits are conducted using telehealth. However, on days that the provider delivered care both virtually and in-person, there was a small increase in the provider's EHR-based work.
Antibiotic Stewardship in Outpatient Telemedicine: Adapting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Core Elements to Optimize Antibiotic Use
The expansion of telemedicine offers new avenues to enhance antibiotic stewardship in outpatient settings. This review suggests that existing antibiotic stewardship strategies can be effectively adapted for telemedicine, emphasizing the importance of applying established frameworks such as the Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship to ensure quality care. Further research is needed to develop sustainable and equitable interventions tailored to the unique challenges of telemedicine.
Changes in telemedicine use and ambulatory visit volumes at a multispecialty cardiovascular center during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study investigates the adoption of telemedicine in cardiology clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing a substantial increase in usage. With variations across subspecialties, higher telemedicine utilization correlated with larger increases in new patient visits, highlighting its potential to increase access to cardiovascular care.
Text And Telephone Screening And Referral Improved Detection And Treatment Of Maternal Mental Health Conditions
In a randomized controlled trial comparing a text- and telephone-based screening program with usual in-person screening and referral care, participants in the program were three times more likely to be screened. Among those screened, program participants were more likely to screen positive, be referred to treatment, and attend treatment compared to those receiving usual care.
National trends in billing patient portal messages as e-visit services in traditional Medicare
This study examined e-visit billing trends from 2020 to 2022. Findings indicated that e-visits represented a small portion of total evaluation and management (E&M) services, with primary care providers billing more frequently than other specialties. Overall, the study found that fewer than 1% of Medicare beneficiaries were billed for e-visits.
Primary Care Providers’ Experiences Treating Opioid Use Disorder Using Telehealth in the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic spurred the use of telehealth for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment. While telehealth proved valuable for behavioral health counseling, the study highlighted the need for in-person visits for certain services such as urine drug screenings.
Telephone-Based Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy Optimization in Navajo Nation
This study examined therapy initiation and management via phone and home monitoring for patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction in Navajo Nation. The trial found that telehealth significantly increased the use of recommended heart failure medications.
Large-Scale Telemedicine Implementation for Outpatient Clinicians
This study introduces a learning collaborative designed to facilitate telemedicine implementation among outpatient clinicians in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The collaborative involved a diverse group, with participants from primary care (71%), rural settings (51%), and community health centers (28%). This collaborative demonstrated a model to rapidly disseminate knowledge during emergencies.
Patient perceptions of audio-only versus video telehealth visits: a qualitative study among patients in an academic medical center setting
This qualitative study explored patient preferences and perceptions of audio-only versus video telehealth visits. Results show a mix of satisfaction, with video visits offering a more personalized experience while audio-only visits provide convenience, particularly for patients in areas with limited internet access.
Provider-to-provider telehealth for sepsis patients in a cohort of rural emergency departments
This study looked at telehealth use for patients with sepsis in rural emergency departments (ED) and association with health care costs and clinical outcomes. Telehealth use in rural emergency departments was not associated with decreased health care costs or improved clinical outcomes.
The role of increasing synchronous telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic on disparities in access to healthcare: A systematic review
This research looked at studies on telehealth and health disparities. Many studies reported increased telehealth use, particularly for patients that were White, English-speaking, younger, and in urban areas.
Antibiotic Receipt for Pediatric Telemedicine Visits With Primary Care vs Direct-to-Consumer Vendors
This study compared antibiotic prescribing practices for pediatric acute respiratory tract infection visits between telehealth with primary care practitioners and commercial direct-to-consumer telemedicine companies. Results showed that telemedicine integrated within primary care had lower rates of antibiotic prescribing and follow-up care compared to direct-to-consumer telemedicine companies.
Telephone-Based Rehabilitation Intervention to Optimize Activity Participation After Breast Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial
This study aimed to determine if a telephone-based coaching rehabilitation intervention could improve activity participation in breast cancer survivors post-treatment. While the intervention didn't show significant differences in overall participation measures compared to a control group, participants reported greater improvements in self-selected activity satisfaction and performance.
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Telemedicine Use
This study investigated telehealth use among traditional Medicare enrollees from March 2020 to February 2022. While initially, Black, Hispanic, and other racial groups had more telemedicine visits than White individuals, after adjusting for various factors such as geographic region, they received fewer telemedicine visits, indicating persistent disparities in access to telemedicine among racial and ethnic minorities.
Hospital Capabilities Associated With Behavioral Health Integration Within Emergency Departments
This goal of this research study is to uncover the hospital capabilities linked with behavioral health (BH) processes in emergency departments (EDs), including regular screening for BH issues and the use of telehealth or telepsychiatry. Findings revealed that hospitals with more methods to disseminate best patient-care practices tended to conduct more BH screening and utilize team-based approaches. The study suggests that addressing innovation barriers and enhancing best practice dissemination processes could expedite the integration of behavioral health and access to telehealth in ED settings.
Telehealth Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy
This study investigated pregnant patients receiving opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment via a telehealth program. The study found that most patients received continuous care throughout pregnancy, with high retention rates and medication adherence.
Comparison of Treatment Modality Crossovers in Telehealth and In-Person Behavioral Health Treatment in Rural Communities
This research looked at frequency of change in treatment modality for behavioral health care. The study found that change in modality was relatively uncommon.
Peers plus mobile app for treatment in HIV (PATH): protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test a community- based integrated peer support and mHealth intervention to improve viral suppression among Hispanic and Black people living with HIV
The PATH trial combines peer navigation and a mobile health (mHealth) application to enhance HIV care engagement and sustained viral suppression among Hispanic and Black individuals living with HIV. This randomized controlled trial aims to enroll 375 participants, comparing outcomes such as viral suppression, retention in care, medical visit adherence, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence between intervention and control groups. Scheduled to conclude in June 2024, the study seeks to provide insights into effective strategies for addressing disparities in HIV care outcomes using integrated peer support and technology.
The role of stroke care infrastructure on the effectiveness of a hub-and-spoke telestroke model in South Carolina
This study examines the impact of stroke care infrastructure on the quality of stroke care. Findings show that hospitals with stroke coordinators and stroke center certifications had significantly shorter door-to-needle times, particularly in smaller and rural hospitals.
Telemedicine trends and lessons learned during the COVID 19 Pandemic- World Trade Center Health Program, 2020-2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Trade Center Health Program expanded telemedicine services, with about 75% of visits focused on mental health. Telemedicine visits peaked in the second quarter of 2020 but remained significant, comprising 38% of total visits by the end of 2021. However, certain demographic factors like member type and race affected telemedicine utilization rates, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to ensure equitable access to care.
Telemedicine vs Telephone Consultations and Medication Prescribing Errors Among Referring Physicians: A Cluster Randomized Crossover Trial
This research study compared rates of emergency department (ED) physician-related medication errors among critically ill children receiving either video telemedicine or telephone consultations. The results indicated no statistically significant differences in medication errors between the two consultation methods.
Best Practices for Telehealth in Nurse-Led Care Settings-A Qualitative Study
This study explores the adoption of telehealth in nurse-led care sites in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through interviews with providers and patients, it identifies key best practices for implementing telehealth to enhance health equity, emphasizing the flexibility and potential of telehealth within nurse-led care models to deliver equitable care.
The association between rurality, dual Medicare/Medicaid eligibility and chronic conditions with telehealth utilization: An analysis of 2019-2020 national Medicare claims
This study reveals widening disparities in telehealth utilization among Medicare beneficiaries from 2019 to 2020, particularly among minority groups, rural residents, and dual Medicare/Medicaid eligible beneficiaries, with differences increasing as the number of chronic conditions rises. These findings underscore the challenge of ensuring equitable access to telehealth services, as those with the greatest health care needs may face barriers to utilization.
Care Partner Engagement in Secure Messaging Between Patients With Diabetes and Their Clinicians: Cohort Study
Patient engagement through secure messaging in digital patient portals is linked to improved diabetes outcomes, yet disparities in use exist among older patients and racial and ethnic underserved groups. This study explored whether involving care partners could address disparities. The study found that those with care partners tend to use secure messaging more frequently and initiate messaging earlier.
Availability of Mental Telehealth Services in the US
This study examined the availability and characteristics of telehealth for major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia across mental health treatment facilities in the US. The findings reveal that while telehealth availability did not differ by clinical condition or patient demographics, variations were observed at the facility, county, and state levels.
Improving access to HIV care among people who inject drugs through tele-harm reduction: a qualitative analysis of perceived discrimination and stigma
Tele-harm reduction is a peer-led, telehealth-enhanced intervention developed by a Miami syringe services program to improve HIV care among people who inject drugs. Interviews with 25 PWID identified key barriers, such as stigma and discrimination, and facilitators, including trust in syringe services program clinicians and the flexibility of telehealth, which informed the development of the intervention.
Perinatal Telehealth: Meeting Patients Where They Are
This qualitative study examines perinatal patients' and providers' experiences with telehealth during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to inform future utilization of telehealth in delivering equitable perinatal care. Through interviews with patients and providers, numerous themes emerged, including unexpected advantages of telehealth, patient empowerment, providers' concerns about adverse outcomes and equitable care, strategies to improve telehealth experience and address access. This research highlights the potential for telehealth to enhance perinatal care while addressing access disparities.
Primary Care Providers' Experiences Treating Opioid Use Disorder Using Telehealth in the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study explores the use of telehealth for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in rural areas. Findings show that telehealth facilitated behavioral health counseling and maintained patient relationships, but in-person visits remained crucial for certain tasks such as urine drug screenings.
Patient Characteristics Associated With Phone and Video Visits at a Tele-Urgent Care Center During the Initial COVID-19 Response: Cross-Sectional Study
This study examines the utilization of telemedicine modalities, particularly phone and video visits, in an urgent care setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings suggest significant differences in utilization based on patient demographics.
Exploring telemental health practice before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic
This study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of telemedicine among mental health providers. Findings reveal a significant increase in daily telemedicine use during the pandemic, with more than half of providers' caseloads being served remotely. The study highlights a general increase in comfort with telemedicine and provider expectation for continued use post-pandemic.
Use of in-network insurance benefits is critical for improving retention in telehealth-based buprenorphine treatment
This study examined the relationship between insurance status and 6-month retention among patients with opioid use disorder receiving care through a telehealth. Findings indicate that patients with in-network insurance coverage were more likely to be retained compared to cash-pay patients, suggesting that insurance status plays a significant role in treatment retention.
Assessment of Pregnancy-Related Telehealth Interventions in the United States: A 10-Year Scoping Review
This scoping review examines pregnancy-related telehealth interventions, indicating a growing body of literature on the subject since 2011. While most studies focused on synchronous interaction between providers and patients, outcomes primarily assessed maternal/infant health, patient satisfaction, and attendance/compliance. The study highlighted the need for further research on telehealth's impact on patient satisfaction, health disparities, and cost-benefit in pregnancy-related care.
Chronic Disease Management through Clinical Video Telehealth on Health Care Utilization, and Mortality in the Veterans Health Administration: A Retrospective Cohort Study
This study investigated the impact of clinical video telehealth on health care utilization and mortality among older Veterans with chronic conditions like congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes mellitus (DM). Clinical video telehealth was associated with increased emergency department visits across all conditions but its association with inpatient admissions and mortality varied.
An mHealth Design to Promote Medication Safety in Children with Medical Complexity
This study worked to identify medication safety challenges for children with medical complexity and to develop requirements for a mobile health app to address the challenges. Future steps include piloting the tools to evaluate usability and effectiveness in reducing medication errors.
Gaps in internet use narrowed among older adults with Medicare during the COVID-19 pandemic but persist
This research explores internet usage among older adults with Medicare. The study reveals disparities in internet access, with higher rates among White individuals, younger age groups, those with higher education levels and better health and lower usage among minority groups, older individuals, and those with limited income and assets.
Telemedicine use and decrements to type 2 diabetes and hypertension care during the COVID-19 pandemic
This research study investigates the impact of telemedicine use on the quality of care for adults with type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension. Telemedicine use was associated with lower odds of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) monitoring for adults with type 2 diabetes and lower odds of blood pressure testing for those with type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension. The study suggests that additional measures may be necessary to ensure high-quality care.
Central and Peripheral Attention in Virtual Reality: Test of Visual Efficiency for Concussion Detection
This study explores the use of virtual reality (VR) technology to test visual efficiency in detecting concussions. The results demonstrate that VR offers a promising tool for improving visual assessments related to concussion detection.
Health and Education Services During the COVID -19 Pandemic Among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities
Acknowledging the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with disabilities, particularly autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is vital for future emergencies. Children with ASD experienced more missed or delayed specialty services compared to those with other developmental disabilities and the general population, highlighting the need for continued access to care during crises. This study emphasizes the importance of continuity of specialty care and providing additional support for children with ASD is essential to mitigate the impact of pandemic-related disruptions on their health and well-being.
Stakeholder perspectives on a telemedicine referral and coordination model to expand medication treatment for opioid use disorder in rural primary care clinic
This study assessed the acceptability and feasibility of using an external telemedicine vendor for opioid use disorder in rural primary care clinics. Findings indicate that telemedicine could reduce logistical barriers, offer privacy, decrease stigma, and increase access to services. Challenges remain including poor internet connectivity and issues with care coordination.
Telehealth Use by Pregnancy Stage Among Commercially Insured Patients in the United States, 2016-2019
This research looked at patient and facility characteristics in regards to telehealth utilization for maternal health care. Telehealth use was highest during the postpartum period followed by antenatal period, with lower rates during labor and delivery. The proportion of telehealth services increased with the share of Black and Latinx residents.
Development of a Novel Telemedicine Tool to Reduce Disparities Related to the Identification of Preschool Children with Autism
This research focuses on a telemedicine-based assessment tool to address care disparities for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Findings include higher clinician diagnostic accuracy and certainty when confirming existing ASD diagnoses than ruling out ASD.
Enhancing access and impact of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program using telehealth: a narrative review
This review looked at telehealth in diabetes prevention programs for older adults. The study found that diabetes prevention programs using telehealth are beneficial for increasing program reach, program impact, and social support, including for underserved populations.
Exploring Telehealth to Improve Discharge Outcomes in Children
This research study aims to address the inpatient to outpatient transition by proposing a telehealth follow-up visit after hospital discharge and evaluating beliefs of this approach. Through interviews with pediatric hospitalists, senior residents, and caregivers, the study identified three primary themes: the potential benefits of telehealth follow-up visit after hospital discharge, the need for it to enhance current practices rather than replace them, and concerns about workflow challenges and resource limitations.
Telehealth Delivery in Part C Early Intervention: Provider and Caregiver Perspectives
The study investigates the impact of the shift to telehealth for Part C early intervention EI services at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. All surveyed providers reported changes in service aspects and approximately half of surveyed caregivers reported that satisfaction with services remained the same.
Temporal Trends in Telehealth Availability in Mental Health Treatment Settings: Differences in Growth by State Rurality, 2015-2020
This research investigates the growth of telehealth availability in outpatient mental health treatment facilities across the US from 2015 to 2020, examining differences by state urbanicity and rurality. The study found that telehealth adoption increased rapidly during this period, with more significant growth in urban areas compared to rural. There were substantial variations among states, suggesting a need for tailored approaches to address the unique challenges faced by different populations and regions.
Implementation Considerations for Family-Based Telehealth Interventions for Youth in Foster Care: Focus Group Study With Child Welfare System Professionals
This study investigated child welfare professionals' perspectives on providing family-based interventions through telehealth to foster youth in out-of-county placements. The professionals identified various factors influencing intervention delivery including environmental, predisposing, enabling, and need.
Adaptation of the Tele-Harm Reduction intervention to promote initiation and retention in buprenorphine treatment among people who inject drugs: a retrospective cohort study
This study examined buprenorphine initiation and retention among people who inject drugs with opioid use disorder who received a telehealth intervention in a harm reduction setting. There was a 58.7% three-month retention rate for buprenorphine among participants. This study found that harm reduction settings may be a suitable venue for telehealth interventions.
Development of a novel telemedicine tool to reduce disparities related to the identification of preschool children with Autism
The wait times for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluations increase as children age, particularly affecting underserved groups. To address these disparities, a telemedicine-based ASD assessment tool was developed using machine learning models and input from focus groups with diverse stakeholders. Pilot testing showed promising results, with the instrument accurately classifying ASD in 63% of cases and demonstrating higher diagnostic accuracy for confirming existing ASD diagnoses. This approach aims to enhance access to care and transform the ASD evaluation process, especially for traditionally underserved populations.
Geographic variations in driving time to US mental health care, digital access to technology, and household crowdedness
This study investigated geographic access to mental health facilities, digital access to technology and internet, and household crowdedness. The research found that rural areas have more difficulties accessing digital devices and broadband internet as well as longer travel time to mental health facilities while urban areas had greater household crowdedness.
Telehealth Evaluation in the United States: Protocol for a Scoping Review
This scoping review protocol aims to evaluate telehealth services, examining the scope, reach, and efficacy of these services. The study will assess existing telehealth programs to identify gaps and inform future research and policy decisions. Key outcomes include understanding the utilization and barriers of telehealth adoption across different populations.
Use of a Mobile-Assisted Telehealth Regimen to Increase Exercise in Transplant Candidates: A Home-Based Prehabilitation Pilot and Feasibility Trial
This study used a home-based exercise intervention, including telehealth sessions and personal activity trackers, to enhance physical fitness for liver transplant candidates. Results showed significant improvements in the Liver Frailty Index and the 6-minute walk test, demonstrating the potential benefits of telehealth for liver transplant candidates.
Clinician Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators for Delivering Early Integrated Palliative Care via Telehealth
This study explores telehealth for delivering early integrated palliative care (EIPC) to patients with advanced lung cancer. A survey of palliative care clinicians highlights positive perceptions of telehealth, with many agreeing that telehealth enhances access. Clinicians noted some barriers to telehealth use at the patient, organization, and system level.
Understanding rural-urban differences in veterans' internet access, use and patient preferences for telemedicine
This study examines telemedicine utilization among rural and urban veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration (VA), finding that while most patients have internet access, rural patients are less likely to have had a telemedicine visit. Both rural and urban patients recommend technology training to improve telemedicine access.
Socioeconomic Determinants of Remote Patient Monitoring Implementation Among Rural and Urban Hospitals
This study investigated the relationship between social determinants of health and the adoption of remote patient monitoring (RPM) for chronic disease management. The study found that both rural and urban hospitals near households with lower middle socioeconomic status are less likely to have adopted RPM when compared with their counterparts near households with the highest socioeconomic status. The findings underscore the importance of addressing disparities in access to RPM services.
Patient and Provider Satisfaction with Asynchronous Versus Synchronous Telepsychiatry in Primary Care: A Secondary Mixed-Methods Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
This study compared asynchronous and synchronous telepsychiatry. Patients showed high satisfaction with both methods, though those using synchronous telepsychiatry reported greater overall satisfaction and comfort. There was no significant difference in perceived clinical outcomes between asynchronous and synchronous telepsychiatry. Results show that primary care providers did not favor one method over the other and adhered to psychiatrists' recommendations similarly for both.
Completion of Recommended Tests and Referrals in Telehealth vs In-Person Visits
This retrospective cohort study conducted at a large urban hospital-based primary care practice and an affiliated community health center aimed to assess the association of diagnostic loop closure (completion of recommended tests and specialty referrals) for telehealth visits compared to in-person visits. The findings revealed that rates of diagnostic loop closure were low across all visit modalities with patients with telehealth visits less likely to close the loop compared to those with in-person visits.
Association of Remote Patient Monitoring with Mortality and Healthcare Utilization in Hypertensive Patients: a Medicare Claims-Based Study
This study evaluated the association between remote patient monitoring (RPM) use and patient outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 years and older with hypertension. RPM use was associated with reduced hazards of mortality and hospitalizations. However, there was an increase in cardiovascular-related outpatient visits, suggesting potential benefits and trade-offs of RPM implementation in managing hypertension in older adults.
Telehealth Diabetes Prevention Program for Adults With Prediabetes in an Academic Medical Center Setting: Protocol for a Hybrid Type III Trial
This study aims to evaluate the implementation and impact of a National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) delivered via telehealth. Using a hybrid type III research design, the study will assess participant engagement, retention, and the program's effect on health care costs and diabetes incidence.
Adapting Connect for Health pediatric weight management program for telehealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
This study focused on telehealth experiences for a primary care, pediatric weight management intervention. The results highlight the importance of a combination of in-person and virtual visits to align with patient and provider preferences, with specific considerations for those with limited English proficiency.
Telehealth utilization in gynecologic oncology clinical trials
This study assesses the safety and feasibility of implementing telehealth and remote clinical trial operations in gynecologic oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found virtual provider visits and off-site laboratory testing increased during the telehealth period. While minor protocol deviations increased, major deviations and adverse events remained of low incidence and did not differ.
Use of Telemedicine and Quality of Care Among Medicare Enrollees With Serious Mental Illness
This cohort study investigates the impact of telemedicine use during the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health care for Medicare beneficiaries with serious mental illnesses. The study categorizes practices based on telemedicine use and compares changes in care patterns and quality metrics. The findings indicate that practices with higher telemedicine use saw an increase in mental health visits per year compared with prepandemic levels, with no significant changes observed in other quality metrics.
Evaluating the association between expanded coverage of direct-to-consumer telemedicine and downstream utilization and quality of care for urinary tract infections and sinusitis
This study compares direct-to-consumer (DTC) telemedicine and in-person visits for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and sinusitis, analyzing rates of testing, follow-up care, and quality. The study finds that DTC telemedicine coverage is associated with reductions in antibiotics for sinusitis and laboratory tests for UTI, without changes in overall office and outpatient visits or emergency department visits.
Persistence of Telemedicine Usage for Breast and Prostate Cancer after the Peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study investigates utilization of telemedicine for breast and prostate cancer patients. The findings underscore specific contexts where providers and patients use telehealth.
Usability and feasibility of a take-home methadone web application for opioid treatment program patients: A Small business innovation research mixed methods study
In this study, two sequential studies, a Stage IA and Stage IB, evaluated a web-application designed to facilitate take-home methadone access in opioid treatment programs. Patients found the app easy to use and preferred it over in-clinic dosing, while clinician feedback varied but included recognition of potential benefits for patient quality of life and counseling. Overall, the studies showed promise for the app in improving methadone program accessibility and patient outcomes.
Telemedicine Buprenorphine Initiation and Retention in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment for Medicaid Enrollees
This retrospective cohort study examined the outcomes of telemedicine versus in-person care for initiating transmucosal buprenorphine treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that telemedicine initiation was associated with better 90-day retention in buprenorphine treatment and was not associated with an increased risk of opioid-related nonfatal overdose.
Development of an Implementation Science Telehealth Toolkit to Promote Research Capacity in Evaluation of Telehealth Programs
This study focuses on the creation of a telehealth toolkit aimed at improving research capacity in the evaluation of telehealth programs. The toolkit provides resources for interdisciplinary teams to conduct dissemination and implementation research, particularly in health care settings.
Remote Monitoring Compared With In-Office Surveillance of Blood Pressure in Patients With Pregnancy-Related Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial
This study looked at individuals with hypertensive disorders or pregnancy and compared blood pressure ascertainment within 10 days of postpartum discharge using in-office blood pressure assessment versus remote patient monitoring. The study found that those using remote monitoring showed significantly higher rates of blood pressure ascertainment compared to the in-office group. Remote monitoring had no significant differences in readmission rates or initiation of antihypertensive medications post-discharge, suggesting that remote monitoring has the potential to enhance postpartum care.
Use of Cellular-Enabled Glucometer for Diabetes Management in High-Risk Pregnancy
This study evaluated patient satisfaction and the feasibility of using a cellular-enabled remote patient monitoring (RPM) device for managing glucose in pregnancies complicated by type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Participants who used the device longer (>50 days) showed significant improvements in diabetes appraisal and life satisfaction. Participants reported high system usability and positive experiences with the RPM glucometer, indicating its value for managing diabetes during pregnancy.
Financial performance of rural hospitals persistently lacking or having telehealth technology
This study analyzed the adoption of telehealth by rural hospitals and its impact on their financial performance from 2009 to 2019. Findings suggest that telehealth adoption was influenced by hospital and community characteristics, with factors such as hospital ownership, patient demographics, and insurance status playing significant roles. The study found that rural hospitals adopting telehealth exhibited better financial performance over the 11-year period compared to non-adopters, indicating potential benefits for sustainability and service provision in rural health care settings.
A New Frontier in Telehealth Research: A National Telehealth Data Warehouse
The National Telehealth Data Warehouse will analyze telehealth encounters comprehensively, aiming to assess its utility, cost-impact, and effects on clinical outcomes, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative aims to facilitate robust research studies and develop quality measures specific to telehealth, ultimately contributing to reducing disparities in healthcare and expanding access to care for all.
Sociodemographic disparities in the use of cardiovascular ambulatory care and telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
This research study investigated the association of patient and visit characteristics with telehealth modality in cardiology clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mobile Health Intervention in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The study investigated the impact of clinical pharmacists and health coaches utilizing telehealth on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels for African American and Latinx patients with type 2 diabetes. The study found that, among participating patients, HbA1c levels improved, suggesting that this telehealth intervention can improve blood glucose levels in the studied populations.
Older Veterans' Experiences of a Multicomponent Telehealth Program: Qualitative Program Evaluation Study
This study focuses on addressing the multifaceted needs of older veterans with multiple health conditions through a telehealth program. Qualitative interviews with program participants identified areas for improvement and adaptation.
Researcher Experience and Comfort With Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring in Cancer Treatment Trials
This research focused on the integration of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring (RPM) in oncology practices since the onset of COVID-19, particularly in treatment trials. A survey was conducted to assess experience and comfort levels with telemedicine and RPM. The findings suggest that while telemedicine and RPM has been increasingly used in cancer treatment trials, there is a higher level of researcher comfort compared to real-world experience.
Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-Up Study: (NYC-SIGHT) Tele-Retinal Image Findings and Importance of Photography
The Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-up Study aimed to improve visual outcomes in at-risk populations through telemedicine-based eye health outreach. Fundus photography via telemedicine detected significant retinal abnormalities, highlighting its importance in eye health screenings for detecting ocular pathology that might be missed through conventional screening methods. Self-reported glaucoma and severe vision impairment were associated with higher odds of abnormal retinal images, underscoring the need for targeted interventions in these populations.
Telehealth Use and Access to Neurology Outpatient Clinical Services for Children: An Observational Cohort Study
This study evaluated the impact of telehealth on pediatric neurology appointment outcomes at a children's hospital. The study found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant decrease in cancellation and no-show rates for telehealth users compared with non-users. However, children from minority racial or ethnic backgrounds were less likely to use telehealth.
Telemedicine Critical Care-Mediated Mortality Reductions in Lower-Performing Patient Diagnosis Groups: A Prospective, Before and After Study
This study evaluated the impact of implementing telemedicine critical care on risk-adjusted mortality in adult intensive care units at academic medical centers. The study found that, overall, there was a slight decrease in risk-adjusted mortality after telemedicine critical care implementation, although not statistically significant. However, a subgroup of patients with a history of lower performance in ICU care experienced a significant reduction in standardized mortality ratio and risk-adjusted mortality, while the higher-performing patient group showed no significant changes.
Telemedicine Visits in US Skilled Nursing Facilities
This cohort study investigated the telehealth use in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study revealed that telehealth adoption in SNFs significantly increased in early 2020 and gradually stabilized at a higher rate than before the pandemic. Importantly, higher telemedicine use in SNFs was linked to improved access to psychiatry visits.
Adverse events among persons with TB using in-person vs. electronic directly observed therapy
In a randomized crossover trial evaluating patient safety between electronic directly observed therapy (eDOT) and in-person DOT (ipDOT) for TB treatment, 27% of participants reported adverse events (AEs). The adjusted hazard ratio for reporting an AE with eDOT vs. ipDOT was 0.98, indicating no significant difference between the methods. Gastrointestinal symptoms were the most frequently reported, and the time from symptom onset to medical attention was similar for both methods, suggesting that eDOT is a viable alternative to ipDOT without compromising patient safety.
An Integrated Teledermatology Model: Attacking Access to Skin Care in a Rural State
This review highlights the significance of teledermatology in modern health care, particularly focusing on the integrated teledermatology model. Emphasizing the value of both live synchronous and store-and-forward modalities, the program demonstrates cost-effectiveness and reliability, providing essential access to dermatological care in rural areas where in-person consultations are limited.
Telehealth and In-Person Mental Health Service Utilization and Spending, 2019 to 2022
This study examines trends in mental health service utilization and spending before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the acute phase of the pandemic, in-person visits decreased and telehealth visits increased. In the post-acute phase, telehealth visits stabilized and in-person visits increased, resulting in overall mental health service utilization being higher than before the pandemic by August 2022.
Telehealth use and perceptions among prostate cancer survivors
This study investigated telehealth disparities among prostate cancer survivors. One-third of survivors had used telehealth, with 10% considering it comparable to in-person visits. Those with lower education were less likely to use telehealth and less likely to feel inclined to use it, highlighting the importance of addressing these disparities.
Comparing the Discussion of Telehealth in Two Social Media Platforms: Social Listening Analysis
This study compared telehealth-related discussions on social media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both of the platforms reviewed exhibited a surge in discussions related to telehealth during the pandemic, with one focusing more on news and services and one involving more user discussions and inquiries about using telehealth for therapy or counseling. The findings highlight the evolving discourse on telehealth in social media and suggest platform-specific differences in how telehealth is perceived and discussed by users.
Telemedicine in Primary Care: Lessons Learned About Implementing Health Care Innovations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This research study examines the experiences of primary care clinicians with telemedicine during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents noted initial telehealth implementation challenges due to infrastructure and reimbursement issues. Over time, clinicians' attitudes toward telemedicine improved, with many considering it an important tool alongside in-person care.
Why U.S. Patients Declined Hospital-at-Home during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study
This study aimed to understand patient refusals of hospital-at-home during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The study highlights the need to improve education about hospital-at-home and to address domestic barriers and diagnostic challenges.
Use of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adults With Past-Year Opioid Use Disorder in the US, 2021
This study examines the prevalence of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) receipt among US adults with past-year opioid use disorder (OUD). The study found that despite guidelines recommending MOUD, around 1 in 5 adults with past-year OUD received any form of MOUD. Disparities were identified, particularly among Black adults, women, the unemployed, and those in nonmetropolitan areas, who were less likely to receive MOUD. Those who used telehealth for substance use treatment were more likely to have received MOUD.
Ecological Momentary Assessments and Passive Sensing in the Prediction of Short-term Suicidal Ideation in Young Adults
This study investigated the utility of combining ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) and sensor data to predict next-day suicidal ideation among young adults following emergency department visits. Results showed that EMA-based models, incorporating self-reported affective, cognitive, and behavioral factors, outperformed sensor-based models in predicting suicidal ideation. These findings suggest that leveraging self-reported data through EMAs may be more effective for real-time detection and intervention of short-term suicide risk.
Establishing a Centralized Virtual Visit Support Team: Early Insights
A telehealth program developed a centralized support team to sustain the surge in telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 18 months, the team supported over 75,000 telehealth visits involving more than 1,500 providers and 46,000 patients. Early results indicate that this scalable model is effective in supporting virtual health care, with potential for improved patient and provider satisfaction and more equitable delivery of telehealth services.
Framework for Evaluating and Developing Sustainable Telehealth Programs
During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth programs expanded significantly. To address long-term sustainability, this study proposed a framework for collecting data during program implementation to evaluate clinical effectiveness and economic sustainability, with a focus on health equity.
Towards a conceptual framework for addressing state-level barriers to decentralized clinical trials in the U.S.
This article proposes a framework to identify barriers to decentralized clinical trials, including those related to policies and regulations governing virtual care.
Telehealth Lifestyle Redesign Occupational Therapy for Diabetes: Preliminary Effectiveness, Satisfaction, and Engagement
This research evaluates telehealth delivery in an occupational therapy intervention for young adults with diabetes. Preliminary results suggest that telehealth clients experienced significant improvements in occupational performance, satisfaction, and health management, with high levels of satisfaction.
State Medicaid Telehealth Coverage Policy Decisions Since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
This report analyzes state Medicaid telehealth policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic through May 2022. The study reviews both temporary and permanent state Medicaid telehealth policies to provide insight into the evolving landscape of telehealth regulation.
Changes in Telehealth Experienced by Advanced Practice RNs During COVID-19
This research study investigates advanced practice RNs' experiences with telehealth before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey found that while a majority of respondents did not use telehealth before the pandemic, half of them began using it daily during the pandemic. The study highlights the challenges and benefits of telehealth adoption and suggests that telehealth is likely to remain an integral part of health care, emphasizing the need for recommendations for advanced practice RN.
Factors Associated with Remote Patient Monitoring Services Provision by Hospitals and Health Care Systems in the United States
This research study investigates factors influencing the provision of remote patient monitoring (RPM), finding that 40% of hospitals reviewed offered RPM. Positive associations were observed with hospital participation in clinically integrated networks and private, non-profit ownership, while negative associations were noted with critical access hospital designation, for-profit ownership, and location in the South.
Variations in Physician Telemedicine Provision
This research study examines the variation in telemedicine adoption among primary care physicians. While overall telemedicine use declined over time, about 32.5% of physicians continued to provide relatively high rates of telemedicine services. Physician preferences had an impact on telemedicine adoption, with individual physicians explaining 7.7% of the variation in telemedicine use, highlighting the role of physician behavior in patient access to telehealth services.
Assessment Fidelity of Parents Implementing a Standardized Telehealth Infant Autism Screener
The research demonstrates that telehealth is effective for pediatric occupational therapy and that remote parent coaching provides benefits for parents and infants. The study evaluated telehealth-delivered observational autism screening tool for infants, with parents achieving an 82% adherence rate to the fidelity checklist. This study suggests that a parent coaching telehealth approach may be valid for pediatric telehealth assessments.
Federal telehealth policy changes during the COVID-19 public health emergency: Associations with telemental health use among rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries
Medicare beneficiaries faced increased mental health concerns with limited access to mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study compared rural and urban Medicare fee-for-service beneficiary use of telemental health from 2019 to 2020. The analysis found a significant rise in telemental health use for both groups, with urban residents benefiting disproportionately. Among rural beneficiaries, older age was linked to lower telemental health use, indicating a need to address barriers.
Rural-Urban Disparities in Video Telehealth Use During Rapid Mental Health Care Virtualization Among American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans
This research focuses on the differences in utilization of video telehealth for mental health care among American Indian/Alaska Native veterans and non-American Indian/Alaska Native veterans. The study reveals increased telehealth use across all veteran groups but noted a significant difference in telehealth use among rural and urban populations, especially among American Indian/Alaska Native veterans.
Telehealth Utilization Among Occupational Therapists in Oncology: Results From a National Survey
This study aimed to explore the prevalence and perceptions of telehealth services among occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) in oncology. The findings indicate that despite limited access prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of OTPs in oncology settings support telehealth use, with the highest endorsement relating to accessibility. Telehealth-delivered occupational therapy treatments in oncology were considered well-suited for areas such as education, quality of life, and psychosocial interventions.
Prevalence and appropriateness of in-person versus not-in-person ambulatory antibiotic prescribing in an integrated academic health system: A cohort study
This study examines ambulatory antibiotic prescribing in an integrated health delivery system from 2016 to 2019. The study reveals the need for ambulatory stewardship interventions focused on all antibiotic prescribing.
Changes in Telehealth Experienced by Advanced Practice RNs During COVID-19: US Survey Results
The article examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and their use of telehealth. While a majority of APRNs did not utilize telehealth before the pandemic, its use significantly increased during the pandemic, with half of the respondents incorporating telehealth into their daily practice. The findings highlight both the barriers faced, such as limited access to technology for certain populations, and the benefits observed, including improved patient access to care. The study emphasizes the need for enhanced APRN education, policy, and practice to ensure expanded health care access.
Digital Therapeutics for Management and Treatment in Behavioral Health
Digital therapeutics (DTx) have revolutionized behavioral health care by using technologies like mobile apps and wearables to deliver effective medical interventions for mental health and substance use disorders. They can complement traditional treatments, but not all digital health apps in this space are evidence-based. Regulatory oversight by the FDA guides DTx development, which may or may not require prescriptions. To enhance accessibility and equity, DTx must be culturally sensitive, affordable, and accessible, with ongoing research needed to ensure efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and patient data privacy.
Telehealth Services for Primary Care and Urgent Care to Support Rural Schools and Students
This study looked at students receiving primary care or urgent care services from school-based telehealth programs. Of the students seeking primary care telehealth services, 67.7% did not have a primary care provider outside of the school. The availability of both primary care and urgent care telehealth services in the school allowed most students to return to the classroom without the need for further follow-up.
Updated Medicare FFS Telehealth Trends by Beneficiary Characteristics, Visit Specialty, and State, 2019-2021
This research examines Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) use of telehealth from 2019 to 2021 by beneficiary characteristic, visit specialty, and geography. This report found telehealth use among Medicare FFS beneficiaries in 2021 continued to be far above pre-pandemic levels, but lower than at the peak of 2020. Telehealth use in 2021 remained highest for behavioral health compared to non-behavioral health among Medicare FFS beneficiaries. The analysis found audio-only eligible telehealth comprised about one quarter of Medicare FFS telehealth in both 2020 and 2021. This report notes a wide variation across states in use of telehealth for Medicare FFS beneficiaries.
Expansion of Telehealth Availability for Mental Health Care After State-Level Policy Changes From 2019 to 2022
This study aimed to investigate the associations between state policies and the availability of telehealth services at outpatient mental health treatment facilities. The state policies studied, payment parity, reimbursement for audio-only, participation in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, and participation in the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, were associated with expansion of telehealth availability for mental health care at mental health treatment facilities.
Postpartum Care up to 1 Year After Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
This systematic review evaluates postpartum care within the first year after pregnancy, focusing on alternative health care delivery strategies and extension of health insurance coverage. Findings suggest that certain factors, such as where health care was provided (by telephone or in clinic), may not impact depression or anxiety symptoms. More research is needed to improve postpartum care, especially for individuals at higher risk of complications.
Changes in Healthcare Utilization Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Diabetes 2 Years into the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly decreased health care service utilization among older adults with diabetes in the U.S., persisting over two years. While telehealth visits surged, in-person visits declined substantially across various health care settings. These findings underscore the need to optimize health care resource allocation for diabetes management in the post-pandemic era and future emergencies.
The use of telehealth-supported stewardship activities in acute-care and long-term care settings: An implementation effectiveness trial
This study assessed the implementation of telehealth-supported stewardship activities in Veterans' Administration medical centers acute-care and long-term care units. The program resulted in reductions in antibiotic use in long-term care units but not in smaller acute-care units.
Telepsychiatry Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Children Enrolled in Medicaid
This study investigated the utilization of telepsychiatry among children enrolled in Medicaid before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings revealed a significant increase in telehealth usage, while overall mental health service utilization declined.
Management of Postpartum Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
This research study examines management strategies for postpartum hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, emphasizing home blood pressure (BP) monitoring, pharmacological treatment, and magnesium sulfate regimens. Results show that home blood pressure monitoring likely improves BP measurement adherence and decreases disparities between non-Black and Black patients in adherence to recommended BP surveillance.
Medical Assistants’ Telehealth Roles and Skills in Primary Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This publication investigates the involvement of medical assistants (MAs) in delivering primary care via telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the evolving roles and responsibilities of MAs in telehealth delivery, emphasizing the importance of training and education to support their effectiveness in both in-person and virtual healthcare settings. Additionally, this research underscores the need for addressing challenges such as staffing shortages and turnover to ensure the sustained expansion of telehealth in primary care.
The Impact of Pandemic Concerns on Consumers' Teledentistry Use During the First Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study examines factors associated with teledentistry use among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing data from a nationally representative survey. Results show that a significant proportion of respondents used teledentistry for the first time due to the pandemic, with higher utilization among those with greater pandemic concerns, younger age groups, higher income levels, and urban residents. The study underscores the need for expanded regulatory changes to teledentistry to address broader patient needs beyond the pandemic, particularly targeting populations originally underserved by teledental programs.
Primary Care Telemedicine Use among Assisted Living Residents with Dementia during COVID-19: Race and Dual Enrollment Status
Telehealth services expanded to help primary care providers connect to assisted living facility residents with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study found that while Black and Hispanic assisted living facility residents and those in assisted living facilities with a higher proportion of duals were less likely to use telehealth early in the pandemic these racial and ethnic or socioeconomic differences did not persist.
Postdischarge Noninvasive Telemonitoring and Nurse Telephone Coaching Improve Outcomes in Heart Failure Patients With High Burden of Comorbidity
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of noninvasive telemonitoring and nurse telephone coaching as a post-discharge strategy for heart failure patients, with a focus on how comorbidity burden influences its impact. The study reveals that noninvasive telemonitoring and nurse telephone coaching improved survival among heart failure patients with a high comorbidity burden.
State Medicaid Telehealth Coverage Policy Decisions since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
This report analyzes state Medicaid telehealth policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic through May 2022. The study reviews both temporary and permanent state Medicaid telehealth policies to provide insight into the evolving landscape of telehealth regulation.
Telehealth Use to Address Cardiovascular Disease and Hypertension in the United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 2011-2021
This review explored the utilization of telehealth for hypertension and cardiovascular disease management, with a specific emphasis on social determinants of health and health disparities. The findings suggest that telehealth is comparable to in-person care for blood pressure and cardiovascular disease management.
Change in Drug Use Disorders Identification Test – Consumption (DUDIT-C) with Telehealth Treatment Compared to in-Person Treatment
This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of telehealth for substance use disorder treatment at rural clinics. Telehealth was found to be as effective as in-person care for substance use disorder treatment with improvements in mean Drug Use Disorder Identification Test – Consumption in both in-person and telehealth groups and no notable differences in outcomes.
Clinical Practice Changes in Monitoring Hypertension Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Clinical practices adopted various strategies early in the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor hypertension remotely, including telemedicine and self-measured blood pressure. Among surveyed clinicians, 58.9% advised self-measured blood pressure, 46.5% increased telemedicine use, and 36.3% reduced office visit frequency. Differences in practice changes were observed by clinician type, with primary care providers more likely to implement these strategies than nurse practitioners/physician assistants, indicating a need for additional support to maximize remote hypertension monitoring.
Digital health and telehealth in cancer care: a scoping review of reviews
This research conducted a scoping review of reviews on digital health and telehealth interventions in cancer care. The results showed that while many reviews summarized interventions for cancer patients, there were notable gaps in addressing older adults, bereavement, and sustainability, as well as limited comparisons between telehealth and in-person care.
Effect of Chronic Disease Home Telehealth Monitoring in the Veterans Health Administration on Healthcare Utilization and Mortality
This study investigates the impact of home telehealth monitoring on hospitalizations, emergency department (ED) visits, and mortality in veterans aged 65 and older with congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or diabetes mellitus (DM). The results show that the initiation of home telehealth monitoring was associated with increased ED visits but no change in hospitalizations. Those with CHF or DM had lower all-cause mortality while those with COPD had higher health care utilization and all-cause mortality.
Care coordination between rural primary care and telemedicine to expand medication treatment for opioid use disorder: Results from a single-arm, multisite feasibility study
This study focuses on the feasibility of implementing a care coordination model involving telemedicine for medication treatment of opioid use disorder (MOUD) in rural settings. The intervention involved establishing referral and coordination between rural clinics and a telemedicine provider. Results indicated that implementing the care coordination model led to an increase in patient-days on MOUD, particularly in clinics with limited MOUD capacity. This suggests that the model is most effective in expanding access to MOUD in rural areas where resources for MOUD are limited.
Telehealth Use, Care Continuity, and Quality: Diabetes and Hypertension Care in Community Health Centers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This research study explores the relationship between care continuity and the quality of diabetes and hypertension care in community health centers (CHCs) both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the mediating effect of telehealth. The study found that higher care continuity is associated with telehealth use and A1c testing.
Updated National Survey Trends in Telehealth Utilization and Modality (2021-2022)
This report includes trends in national telehealth utilization from 2021 to 2022. Results show that while overall telehealth use remains steady, disparities in video telehealth use exist among different populations and insurance types.
Telemental health in emergency care settings: A qualitative analysis of considerations for sustainability and spread
The study examines the barriers and facilitators for the sustainability and expansion of a model of telehealth care, telemental health video. The findings showed overall satisfaction, with increased comfort for patients in discussing difficult topics, and benefits for clinicians in terms of cross-coverage and safety. Adequate infrastructure and workforce capacity are crucial to ensure successful uptake of this model.
Challenges associated with electronic and in-person directly observed therapy during a randomized trial
In a crossover trial comparing electronic directly observed therapy (eDOT) to traditional in-person DOT (ipDOT) for tuberculosis treatment adherence monitoring, challenges occurred in slightly higher percentages of eDOT sessions. However, eDOT was more effective in enabling successful dose observation during problematic sessions compared to ipDOT, suggesting its potential as an alternative method for TB treatment monitoring.
Telehealth for management of chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use disorder in safety net primary care
This study qualitatively assesses the benefits and challenges of telehealth for managing chronic non-cancer pain, opioid use disorder, and multi-morbidity in urban safety net primary care patients. Factors such as patient burden, communication and technology challenges, pain control, opioid misuse, and medical complexity should be considered when making decisions about continuing or expanding telehealth services.
Trends in Telehealth Visits During Pregnancy, 2018 to 2021
This study analyzed trends in prenatal telehealth visits during pregnancy and identified patient characteristics associated with the number of prenatal telehealth visits. The findings showed prenatal telehealth utilization increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Association between broadband capacity and telehealth utilization among Medicare Fee-for-service beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study used county-level data to assess the association between broadband access and telehealth utilization in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings show decreased telehealth utilization in rural areas and indicates the importance of broadband access for health care access.
Comparison of Telehealth and In-person Behavioral Health Services and Payment in a Large Rural Multisite Usual Care Study
This study compared behavioral health services for in-person and telehealth cohorts and examined relative value units (RVU) and payment. Behavioral health services provided by telehealth used services with lower RVUs than behavioral health services provided in-person, on average, even after adjusting for patient demographics and diagnosis.
Determining the Marginal Cost Differences of a Telehealth Versus an In-person Occupational Therapy Evaluation Session for Stroke Survivors Using Time-driven Activity-based Costing
This study compared the marginal cost differences between telehealth and in-person occupational therapy evaluations for stroke survivors. Findings reveal that telerehabilitation was more costly than outpatient therapy.
Dissemination of Remote Patient Monitoring: An Academic-Community Primary Care Partnership in South Carolina
This study reviewed a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program for diabetes and hypertension at community health clinics. Research shows increased access to care and improved chronic disease management.
Economic evaluation and costs of remote patient monitoring for cardiovascular disease in the United States: a systematic review
This systematic review assesses the cost and cost-effectiveness of remote patient monitoring (RPM) for managing cardiovascular disease (CVD). The review showed that while RPM generally incurs higher costs compared to usual care, it offers better clinical effectiveness from payer and health care sector perspectives. RPM may be cost-effective for long-term CVD management.
Impact of Digital Health upon the Surgical Patient Experience: The Patient as Consumer
Digital health services are enhancing surgical care by using patient-generated data to improve preoperative preparation and personalize postoperative care. This study shows the challenges included when implementing and evaluating these new methods.
Implementation of free-draft text messaging to enhance care retention and satisfaction for persons living with HIV infection
This study assesses whether secure text messaging between case-managed HIV clients and clinic staff could improve client satisfaction and care retention. Among participants, high app usage and satisfaction were reported. Although no significant changes in clinic retention or virologic suppression were observed, the results suggest that integrating text messaging into routine HIV care is valuable for client engagement.
Measurement-based care for suicidal youth: Outcomes and recommendations from the Services for Teens At Risk Center
In a specialty clinic focused on outpatient care for suicidal youth, measurement-based care has been effectively implemented, showcasing its feasibility and acceptance among clinicians. This study shows the results of evaluated adherence to measurement protocols by using electronic medical records and gathered feedback on its utility and acceptability from clinicians.
Remote Cardiovascular Hypertension Program Enhanced Blood Pressure Control During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The study assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a remote hypertension management program. The study found that the remote clinical management program delivered significant improvements in blood pressure control and increased home blood pressure monitoring despite disruptions in traditional care.
Telehealth and In-Person Behavioral Health Services in Rural Communities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multisite Prospective Cohort Study
This research study examines the changes in patient and treatment characteristics in telehealth and in-person behavioral health services. The study found health care providers adjusted both telehealth and in-person service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whole Health coaching to rural Veterans through telehealth: Advantages, gaps, and opportunities
This study examines how Whole Health coaches adapted to using telehealth to engage rural Veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying advantages and gaps. Findings emphasize the need for a blended approach that integrates virtual, in-person, and lower-tech options.
Recommendations for Use of Video Directly Observed Therapy During Tuberculosis Treatment- U.S. 2023
Directly observed therapy (DOT) for tuberculosis, traditionally conducted in person, involves observing medication intake and monitoring for adverse events but poses logistical challenges. The CDC now recommends video DOT (vDOT) as an equivalent alternative based on evidence of treatment adherence and disease resolution. The use of vDOT can help health departments meet care standards efficiently.
Utilization of Remote Patient Monitoring Within the United States Health Care System: A Scoping Review
This scoping review examines remote patient monitoring (RPM) studies and reimbursement policies in the United States. Findings show a significant increase in RPM-related literature from 2015 to 2021, with cardiovascular diseases among the most studied. Future research on RPM should focus on outcomes and trends in reimbursement policies.
Implementation of a women's reproductive behavioral health telemedicine program: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators in obstetric and pediatric clinics
This study focuses on the implementation of a telemedicine program for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and substance use disorders in community obstetric and pediatric clinics. Barriers to implementation included practical challenges such as staffing, space, and technology support, while facilitators included the high demand for mental health and substance use disorder services and the commitment of clinics to address these health concerns. The study highlights the importance of addressing resource and technology needs, while leveraging clinics' commitment to women's health, to ensure successful implementation of telemedicine programs.
Diabetes Remote Monitoring Program Implementation: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Delivery Strategies, Barriers and Facilitators
This study explores the implementation of remote patient monitoring (RPM) programs for diabetes patients in primary care clinics. The research identified varied delivery strategies influenced by staffing, leadership support, resources, and patient needs. Results show that the barriers to implementation were similar, and addressing these through targeted training and support could enhance RPM program success and improve patient outcomes in rural and community clinics.
Association of Receipt of Opioid Use Disorder-Related Telehealth Services and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder With Fatal Drug Overdoses Among Medicare Beneficiaries Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study examined the association between receipt of telehealth services and medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) and fatal drug overdoses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among Medicare beneficiaries. The study found that the receipt of OUD-related telehealth services, receipt of medications for OUD from opioid treatment programs, and receipt of buprenorphine in office-base settings were all associated with reduced risk for fatal drug overdose.
Patient Characteristics Associated With Being Offered or Choosing Telephone vs Video Virtual Visits Among Medicare Beneficiaries
This goal of this study was to understand the characteristics of Medicare beneficiaries who received telephone-only telehealth visits when both telephone and video options were available. Results show Medicare beneficiaries often reported being offered or choosing telephone-only visits even when video visits were available.
Use of Telemedicine among Office-Based Physicians, 2021
Telemedicine adoption gradually rose prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the field saw a significant increase during the pandemic as a way for physicians to provide health services while limiting patient exposure to the virus. The widespread use of telemedicine could impact the quality, cost, and accessibility of health care, so it's important to understand its usage. This data brief documents rates of telemedicine use by office-based physicians, the types of tools used, physician characteristics, satisfaction levels, and plans to continue using telemedicine beyond the pandemic.
Telehealth Use and Access to Care for Underserved Populations Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This research study investigates the relationship between access to care and telehealth utilization before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds a significant increase in telehealth use during the pandemic, with disparities in usage among different demographic groups. During the pandemic, telehealth appeared to substitute for in-person visits.
Contribution of Continuous Virtual Monitoring to Hospital Safety, Quality, and Value of Care for COVID-19 Patients
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a team repurposed continuous virtual monitoring (CVM) systems to reduce the need for staff to enter patient rooms. Over 52 days, CVM averted 19,086 unnecessary in-person interactions, saving an estimated $419,319. The net savings demonstrated a strong return on investment, suggesting potential expansion of CVM to other infectious disease applications and high-risk patient groups.
Parent-Reported Use of Pediatric Primary Care Telemedicine: Survey Study
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the widespread availability of telemedicine services for children from primary care practices. This study is specifically focused on children who typically receive medical services in person while identifying factors that are linked to the usage of telemedicine services provided by primary care providers. Research outcomes reveal that promoting access to primary care, ensuring payment for primary care telemedicine, and removing obstacles in non-metropolitan areas can all contribute to the equitable use of primary telemedicine care for children.
Considerations for TelePrEP Programs
This study examines the development and implementation of a telePrEP program aimed at increasing access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention, particularly in regions with high HIV incidence rates. The program involves strong partnerships with local health departments, electronic evaluation tools, and efforts to address barriers and limitations to enrollment and retention, ultimately emphasizing the potential of telehealth in expanding PrEP uptake among vulnerable populations.
2022 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Early Public Use File on Internet Access and Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries
In 2022, a high percentage of Medicare beneficiaries in the community had internet access, with significant variation among different racial and ethnic groups. Many beneficiaries used the internet for health-related purposes, including looking up information, participating in calls, and communicating with healthcare providers. Additionally, half of the beneficiaries used the internet daily, while a small portion did not use it at all.
Inequitable access to general and behavioral healthcare in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic: A role for telehealth?
The COVID-19 pandemic had extensive consequences, including increased psychological distress and alcohol consumption, which created heightened challenges particularly for disadvantaged communities. To mitigate the impact of lockdowns, medical office closures, and fear of transmission, telehealth services were expanded early in the pandemic to provide continued access to health care. This study investigates the accessibility of general and behavioral health care services and disparities during the first year of the pandemic.
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Usual Source of Care and Telemedicine Use in Spring 2021
This Technical Appendix details the methodology for producing estimates and standard errors in the 2020 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Usual Source of Care and Access to Telemedicine Public Use File, based on data from a survey conducted from March to April 2021. The analysis used weighted estimates to represent eligible Medicare beneficiaries, with measures in place to protect confidentiality and ensure reliability of the data.
Telemedicine along the cascade of care for substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
The way healthcare services are provided has transformed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which created an opportunity to advance telemedicine by formalizing clinical guidance. In this study, researchers aim to outline the delivery of substance use disorder (SUD) treatments and services through telemedicine along the continuum of care in the United States since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This review summarizes telemedicine-based delivery, including screening/assessment, prescription, monitoring, recovery support and other related services.
Telemedicine Use and Quality of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic
There is limited understanding and knowledge about the potential consequences of the rapid shift to telehealth for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between telemedicine utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic and indicators of OUD treatment quality. The results of this study indicate that patients who were treated by clinicians with both high and low levels of telemedicine usage had comparable clinical outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, which suggests that telemedicine is a viable substitute for in-person OUD care.
Usability and Satisfaction Outcomes from a Pilot Open Trial Examining Remote Patient Monitoring to Treat Pediatric Obesity during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study assessed remote patient monitoring (RPM) for pediatric obesity treatment. While participant satisfaction was high, usage was limited and no significant improvements in weight status were observed. Due to missing data influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the system's effectiveness could not be clearly determined.
Use of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Era
This study focuses on the use of telehealth during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the clinical outcomes and characteristics of patients who utilized digital health services. Patients utilizing telehealth and telemedicine services are more likely to be young to middle-aged, female, White, of higher socioeconomic status, and living in urban settings.
Federally Qualified Health Centers Use of Telehealth to Deliver Integrated Behavioral Health Care During COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) providing integrated behavioral health (IBH) services shifted to deliver care via telehealth. FQHC administrators reported that telehealth was essential and addressed workforce issues but noted concerns around payment parity and reimbursement and the impact on core components of IBH.
A mixed-methods analysis of telehealth implementation in nursing homes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Nursing homes implemented telehealth services to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study found an increase in telehealth adoption. Training, integrated equipment, and staff presence during visits was identified as telehealth facilitators. Barriers included smartphone usage, billing issues, interoperability, and staffing challenges.
Comparison of in-person vs. telebehavioral health outcomes from rural populations across America
The goal of this research is to examine the outcomes in patient symptoms of anxiety and depression. Results show no clinical or statistical difference in depression or anxiety symptoms between patients treated via telehealth and in-person.
Evaluation of Telehealth Visit Attendance After Implementation of a Patient Navigator Program
With the expansion and increase of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians and patients faced the challenge of acclimating to virtual care through video visits. The study investigates the visit attendance for patients, comparing outcomes of those who received navigator outreach to those who did not. The results show visit attendance improvement for video visits after telehealth navigator outreach.
Telehealth-guided provider-to-provider communication to improve rural health: A systematic review
Rural health care is an ongoing research focal point as remote care, remote patient monitoring, and telehealth services continue to expand nationwide. This study assesses health care disparities, benefits, and the utilization of telehealth-supported provider-to-provider communication in rural populations through a systemic review of observational studies. Researchers assessed trials and observational studies from several medical databases to determine barriers for rural provider-to-provider collaboration, evidence gaps, and the key takeaways from their findings.
State Medicaid Telehealth Policies Before and During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: 2022 Update
This research highlights that state Medicaid programs have significant discretion in services delivered via telehealth. During the COVID-19 pandemic, all states and the District of Columbia utilized telehealth flexibilities provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Some states made telehealth flexibilities permanent, while others let them expire. Additional research is needed to assess the impact of increased telehealth utilization in Medicaid on access to care, utilization rates, and quality of care.
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Children’s Mental Health Services Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Issue Brief
This research brief provides a comprehensive analysis of the disparities in children's mental health services utilization across racial and ethnic groups. The report finds an increase in telehealth for mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase was not large enough to combat the overall decrease in mental health care, which disproportionately affected minority children.
Digital Health Technologies in Pediatric Trials
This research study explores the potential of using miniaturized sensors and other technologies to collect physiological and functional data directly from pediatric patients participating in clinical trials. The review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies in various pediatric diseases, highlighting the need for more reports on their use in this population. While the objective and frequent measurements provided by digital health technology offer opportunities to enhance drug evaluation in infants and young children, challenges remain in selecting the appropriate design, metrics, and sensors for each disease.
Gaze Fixation and Visual Searching Behaviors during an Immersive Virtual Reality Social Skills Training Experience for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
This pilot project explored the use of an immersive virtual reality headset to simulate real-world social interactions for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Results show differing patterns of gaze and visual search among participants with varying ASD severity, suggesting the potential of using these behaviors as objective metrics for assessing the effectiveness of social skills training.
Pilot development and feasibility of telehealth Community Reinforcement and Family Training for early psychosis and substance use
This study focuses on the effects of digital health intervention to address behavioral health concerns in adults. Buprenorphine-naloxone is effective for opioid use disorder, but many patients discontinue treatment early. This study found that a personalized, computer- and text message-delivered intervention is highly acceptable to patients, suggesting it could improve treatment adherence and outcomes by providing flexible, stigma-free support.
Low-Volume Emergency Departments are More Likely to Use Telehealth for Sepsis Care in a National Rural Telehealth Network
Pre-Pandemic Telehealth Use among Children in Medicaid Managed Care and Fee-for-Service Programs
State Medicaid Telehealth Policies Before and During the COVID-19 Public health Emergency: 2022 Update
This study is a continuation of research which highlights the significant discretion state Medicaid programs have had regarding telehealth services, which was further expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic with additional flexibilities from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Some states have made these flexibilities permanent, while others have ended them as public health emergencies expired. This study emphasizes the need for further research to assess the impact of increased telehealth on access, utilization, and quality of care, and notes that states were at various stages of implementing these flexibilities by early 2022.
Telehealth and Public Health Practice in the United States- Before, During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
In 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established a telehealth unit as part of its COVID-19 emergency response and a CDC telehealth workgroup. The workgroups identified ways that telehealth can benefit public health including increasing access to reduce health disparities, enhancing disease management and preventative care, and triaging care to ensure appropriate use of health services.
Teledentistry Trends in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This qualitative study examines the implementation and challenges of teledentistry in response to the COVID-19 pandemic across four states. Through interviews with key stakeholders and analysis of state policies and regulations, this study highlights the rapid adoption of teledentistry during the pandemic, common challenges faced by dental practitioners, and the potential for telehealth to address disparities in access to dental care, particularly in rural and low-income populations.
A Modification of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing for Comparing Cost of Telehealth and In-Person Visits
This study aimed to compare the labor costs of in-person pediatric clinic sick visits before COVID-19 pandemic with both virtual and in-person sick visits during the pandemic. By analyzing provider workflows, wage data, and clinic billing codes, the researchers found that the weighted labor cost for in-person visits slightly decreased during COVID-19, from $54.47 to $51.55, largely due to the increased use of telehealth.
Acceptability, feasibility, and outcomes of a clinical pilot program for video observation of methadone take-home dosing during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study focuses on a clinical pilot program tested video observation of methadone take-home dosing via smartphone from April to August 2020. Researchers found that 75% of participants successfully completed the trial, leading to increased take-home doses and similar clinical outcomes compared to controls. Video observation was feasible and could enhance safety by reducing barriers and infection risks associated with in-person dosing.
Association Between In-Person vs Telehealth Follow-up and Rates of Repeated Hospital Visits Among Patients Seen in the Emergency Department
Association of Adequacy of Broadband Internet Service with Access to Primary Care in the Veterans Health Administration Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Preventive Care Utilization by Patients Who Use Virtual Urgent Care
This study examined the impact of virtual urgent care on preventive screenings and immunizations for patients who also had a primary care relationship. Analyzing data from July 2018 to December 2019, the study found that virtual urgent care utilization did not negatively affect preventive care services. This study indicates that virtual urgent care can complement primary care without disrupting preventive health care.
Quality of Telehealth-Delivered Inpatient Palliative Care During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
Receipt of Telehealth Services, Receipt and Retention of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder, and Medically Treated Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Transitioning to telehealth? A guide to evaluating outcomes
This research study addresses the need for comprehensive evaluation of telehealth outcomes and performance, considering access to care, cost, experience, and effectiveness. The study emphasizes the understudied aspects of telehealth accessibility and accommodations and highlights the importance of establishing an evaluation system for telehealth outcomes.
The Vital Role of CHWs During the COVID-19 Pandemic within the South Texas Communities
This publication discusses the crucial role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in rural communities which faced heightened vulnerability. It highlights the psychological distress experienced by frontline healthcare workers, including CHWs, and proposes the development of tailored mental health support programs. In response, the South Texas Area Health Education Center initiated a COVID-19 Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) program, utilizing community-based participatory research principles to train and support CHWs in providing essential services and resources to their communities.
Certain Medicare Beneficiaries, Such as Urban and Hispanic Beneficiaries, Were More Likely Than Others to Use Telehealth During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Effect of a Comprehensive Telehealth Intervention vs Telemonitoring and Care Coordination in Patients With Persistently Poor Type 2 Diabetes Control
This study addresses poorly controlled type 2 diabetes by comparing simple and comprehensive telehealth interventions. The trial shows that comprehensive telehealth is more effective than telemonitoring and care coordination, improving outcomes for patients at a reasonable cost. These findings suggest that implementing comprehensive telehealth could enhance diabetes care.
mHealth uses and opportunities for teens from communities with high health disparities: A mixed methods study
This study explores perspectives of teens and caregivers from urban communities with health and socioeconomic disparities regarding smartphone use and mobile health (mHealth) for addressing behavioral health needs. Findings underscored significant concerns and impacts related to behavioral health, increased smartphone usage, and identified barriers to mHealth engagement. Recommendations included clear communication on data privacy and usage expectations to enhance the acceptability and engagement of mHealth tools among marginalized populations beyond the pandemic.
Age and Racial Disparities in Telehealth Use Among People with HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This research study analyzed HIV care appointments at an urban tertiary hospital to assess the uptake of telehealth and sociodemographic variations in utilization among people with HIV. The findings indicated age and racial differences in terms of in-person versus telehealth appointments.
Adoption of telemedicine in a rural United States cancer center amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Assessing Technical Feasibility and Acceptability of Telehealth Palliative Care in Nursing Homes
The goal of this study is to assess the technical feasibility and acceptability of using telehealth for palliative care consultations in nursing homes. The findings demonstrated that palliative care video visits were well-received, with participants expressing comfort, improved communication, and potential future use, highlighting the value of telehealth as a cost-effective means to enhance access to palliative care services in nursing homes.
Mindfulness-Based Smoking Cessation Delivered Through Telehealth and Text Messaging for Low-Income Smokers: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Proactive Electronic Visits for Smoking Cessation and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Screening in Primary Care: Randomized Controlled Trial of Feasibility, Acceptability, and Efficacy
This study evaluated a telehealth intervention combining smoking cessation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) screening for primary care patients. In a randomized trial, smokers were assigned to either proactive e-visits or treatment as usual, with the e-visits showing higher rates of cessation medication use and smoking reduction at 1 and 3 months.
Telehealth for the Longitudinal Management of Chronic Conditions: Systematic Review
This systematic review looked for studies that compare use and outcomes of in-person and telehealth care for chronic care management of congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Variation in Virtual and Non- virtual Behavioral Health Visits Among Michigan Medicaid Enrollees
The study used Michigan Medicaid data to investigate the utilization patterns of telebehavioral health services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The future of telehealth in type 1 diabetes
Telehealth services have been utilized in type 1 diabetes (T1D) clinical care for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated adoption and sparked interest in long-term integration into routine care. This review examines the existing literature on telemedicine in T1D care, highlighting its benefits and barriers. The findings indicate that telehealth can effectively contribute to improved glycemic control and long-term outcomes in T1D and it is anticipated that future care models will adopt a hybrid approach combining both in-person and telehealth visits.
"I was Unsure at First": A Qualitative Evaluation of Patient Perceptions of VA Clinical Video Telehealth Visits in the V-IMPACT Program
Adapting PCIT-Health for Telehealth Delivery: A Case Study
Association between state payment parity policies and telehealth usage at community health centers during COVID-19
Broadband access and telemedicine adoption for opioid use disorder treatment in the United States
COVID-19 Telemedicine and Vaccination at an Urban Safety Net HIV Medicine Clinic
Expanding access to substance use services and mental health care for people with HIV in Alabama, a technology readiness assessment using a mixed methods approach
Improving heart failure care and guideline-directed medical therapy through proactive remote patient monitoring-home telehealth and pharmacy integration
Managing innovation: a qualitative study on the implementation of telehealth services in rural emergency departments
This study focuses on the integration of telehealth services for emergency departments in rural areas and highlights gaps in the implementation and long-term utilization. Researchers administered semi-structured interviews from six U.S. health care systems that provided emergency telehealth services. Results include necessary implementation factors in strategies, capability, relationships, financials, protocols, environment, service characteristics, and accountability.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who inject drugs accessing harm reduction services in an rural American state
Emergency Departments' Uptake of Telehealth for Stroke Versus Pediatric Care: Observational Study
The study aimed to investigate the discrepancy in the adoption of telestroke and pediatric telehealth services in emergency departments. The researchers hypothesized that differences in financial incentives, prehospital routing policy, and certification requirements could have contributed to the uneven adoption. The study shows the most frequently indicated reason for adoption of telehealth services was related to clinical care.
Association Between Telemedicine Use in Nonmetropolitan Counties and Quality of Care Received by Medicare Beneficiaries With Serious Mental Illness
Behavioral healthcare organizations' experiences related to use of telehealth as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study
Clinical Appropriateness of Telehealth: A Qualitative Study of Endocrinologists' Perspectives
Cost of remote patient monitoring for cardiovascular disease: a systematic review protocol
This review will evaluate cost-effectiveness of remote patient monitoring (RPM) for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The findings will be synthesized to determine RPM's economic value for managing CVD.
Evaluation of an experiential clinical learning option during pandemic teaching suspensions
Factors influencing uptake of telemental health via videoconferencing at high and low adoption sites within the Department of Veterans Affairs during COVID-19: a qualitative study
Long-term Effects of Remote Patient Monitoring in Patients Living with Diabetes: A Retrospective Look at Participants of the Mississippi Diabetes Telehealth Network Study
Parent satisfaction with the parent-provider partnership and therapy service delivery for children with disabilities during COVID-19: Associations with sociodemographic variables
Perception of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Survivors of Gynecologic Cancer
This study aimed to understand the preferences of gynecologic cancer survivors for telehealth cancer care. Over half preferred in-person visits. Many noted concerns about missing out on physical examination during telehealth visits. The study highlights the need for careful evaluation of patient concerns and education to develop future care models that include telehealth elements for gynecologic cancer survivors.
Perceptions and Use of Telehealth Among Mental Health, Primary, and Specialty Care Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Predictors of telemedicine use during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States-an analysis of a national electronic medical record database
Although telehealth utilization has rapidly increased within the past years, disadvantaged groups still face barriers to access. This is a retrospective study that analyzes outpatient medical encounters for patients using a national electronic medical record database from March 1 to December 31, 2020. Findings show that older and non-Hispanic Black patients had significantly lower levels of telehealth utilization than other patient groups.
Public health implications of adapting HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programs for virtual service delivery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Schedule of Visits and Televisits for Routine Antenatal Care
Strategies to Ensure Continuity of Care Using Telemedicine with Older Adults during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of Physicians in Primary Care and Geriatrics
Telehealth for Women's Preventative Services
The Lack of a Physical Exam During New Patient Telehealth Visits Does Not Impact Plans for Office and Operating Room Procedures
The Role of Telehealth and Clinical Informatics in Data Driven Primary Care Redesign
Using Implementation Science to Understand Teledermatology Implementation Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-sectional Study
Addressing Hypertension Outcomes Using Telehealth and Population Health Managers: Adaptations and Implementation Considerations
An Economic and Health Outcome Evaluation of Telehealth in Rural Sepsis Care: A Comparative Effectiveness Study
Describing Changes in Telebehavioral Health Utilization and Services Delivery in Rural School Settings in Pre- and Early Stages of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Due to significant provider shortages, challenges exist for patients attempting to receive behavioral health services especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, researchers collected data from students in fifteen school-based telehealth programs in rural areas nationwide. Results of the study show increased utilization and implementation of telebehavioral services in school-based programs as a direct response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Evaluation of Mental Health Mobile Applications
Postpartum during a pandemic: Challenges of low-income individuals with healthcare interactions during COVID-19
Telehealth: Current Definitions and Future Trends
Telemedicine versus in-Person Primary Care: Impact on Visit Completion Rate in a Rural Appalachian Population
The Impact Of Telemedicine On Medicare Utilization, Spending, And Quality, 2019-22
This study examines the impact of telemedicine use on health system outcomes. Telemedicine use remains higher than pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. Medicare patients in health systems with the highest telemedicine use had more outpatient visits, fewer non-COVID emergency department visits, slightly higher annual spending, and better medication adherence compared to those in systems with lower telemedicine use. There were no significant differences in hospitalization rates or preventive care between the groups.
The Potential of Telecommunication Technology to Address Racial/Ethnic Disparities in HIV PrEP Awareness, Uptake, Adherence, and Persistence in Care: A Review
Primary care telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: patient’s choice of video versus telephone visit
This study investigates how patient characteristics influenced the choice between video and audio-only telehealth appointments. The analysis of almost one million patient-scheduled primary care telehealth visits found that 39% were video visits. Patients who were Black or Hispanic, living in lower socioeconomic status or areas with limited internet access, were less likely to opt for video visits. Patients aged 65 or older, those with previous video visit experience or mobile portal access, or those seeing their own provider were more inclined to choose video visits. The research highlights a digital divide and underscores the importance of maintaining telephone telemedicine options.
Direct and indirect effects of a Project ECHO longitudinal clinical tele-mentoring program on viral suppression for persons with HIV: a population-based analysis
Mental Health and COVID-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments: Perspectives from Directors
This study interviewed 21 pediatric emergency department directors across the United States to understand their perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on mental health visits. Directors reported increased volumes and higher acuity of mental health cases, alongside challenges such as logistical barriers to care and strained psychiatric resources, emphasizing the need for enhanced emergency mental health infrastructure and preparedness for future public health emergencies.
Tele-urgent Care for Low-Acuity Conditions: A Systematic Review
Telemedicine Use in Disasters: A Scoping Review
Disasters of all scales are a recurring issue and challenge for the health care systems, especially for providers and hospitals nationwide. The utilization of telemedicine is a direct response to improve access to health care during disasters, which is referred to as disaster telemedicine. This study focuses on literature that provides insight and response recommendations into the current use of disaster telemedicine for the most common barriers in regional disaster health.
Telestroke Infrastructure, Processes and Support Needs: A Survey of Hospitals in Five States
Social Work Answers the (Video) Call: Tele-Behavioral Health Use During COVID-19
This research study investigates the utilization of tele-behavioral health among social work professionals before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with perceived barriers and supports to technology use. The study, conducted through an electronic survey distributed to practicing social work professionals, reveals a significant increase in tele-behavioral health usage since the pandemic's onset. While barriers exist, particularly concerning client access, social workers express a strong desire for tele-behavioral health to continue post-pandemic. The study recommends measures to ensure parity and reimbursement, enhance training for practitioners, and provide support for clients in accessing tele-behavioral health services.
Increasing Telehealth Access to Care for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic at an Academic Medical Center: Video Visits for Elders Project (VVEP)
This research publication outlines the Video Visits for Elders Project, which aimed to improve access to virtual care for older adults amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Through outreach efforts and technical assistance, the project successfully facilitated video visits for a significant portion of elderly patients, highlighting the importance of addressing technological barriers to ensure equitable access to telemedicine. The findings underscore the ongoing need for health systems to prioritize technological support to enhance access to care for vulnerable populations, especially in the post-pandemic era where telemedicine remains crucial.
Child Health, Vulnerability, and Complexity: Use of Telehealth to Enhance Care for Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs
Deploying a telemedicine collaborative care intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: A stepped wedge evaluation of an adaptive implementation strategy
mHealth Interventions for Self-management of Hypertension: Framework and Systematic Review on Engagement, Interactivity, and Tailoring
The prevention or management of hypertension is an area of interest for researchers. This systematic review explores user engagement for hypertension-focused mobile health (mHealth) interventions as well as tailoring and interactivity for mHealth users. Digital behavior change interventions require engagement to be effective for users.
Mixed Method Evaluation of the RANDS During COVID-19 Telemedicine Availability Question: Results from the First Two Rounds of RANDS During COVID-19
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Center for Health Statistics adapted its data collections, using the Research and Development Survey to provide timely data on health-related outcomes, including telemedicine availability and use. This study displays data during COVID-19, collected in two rounds in mid-2020, which revealed key insights into telemedicine's prevalence and utilization during the pandemic. Respondents interpreted telemedicine questions in two primary ways: availability of the service and their own use of it, highlighting the need for clear question framing in surveys.
Telehealth During COVID-19: Suicide Prevention and American Indian Communities in Montana
Telehealth Use Among Older Adults During COVID-19: Associations with Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics, Technology Device Ownership, and Technology Learning
Telemedicine and visit completion among people with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic
COVID-19 and Antibiotic Prescribing in Pediatric Primary Care
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant reduction in pediatric ambulatory encounter volume and antibiotic prescribing, with a 72.7% decrease observed in antibiotic prescriptions from April to December 2020 across 27 pediatric primary care practices. This decline, particularly notable in prescriptions for respiratory tract infections, persisted throughout the pandemic, indicating a sustained impact likely attributed to decreased viral respiratory tract infection transmission.
Empowerment through technology: A systematic evaluation of the content and quality of mobile applications to empower individuals with cancer
Mobile health application availability has increased for cancer patients due to a focus on patient empowerment. This systematic review evaluates and summarizes the evidence of mobile health apps and their characteristics and qualities. The evaluation found that cancer patient apps should be designed for usability and usefulness.
Evaluation of Online Patient Portal vs Text-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Black Patients With Medicaid and Medicare Insurance Who Have Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
National Survey Trends in Telehealth Use in 2021: Disparities in Utilization and Audio vs. Video Services
Telehealth Exercise Intervention in Older Adults With HIV: Protocol of a Multisite Randomized Trial
Telehealth Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Preliminary Selective Review
Understanding Caregiver Satisfaction with a Telediagnosis Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
A Pilot Study Examining Access to and Satisfaction with Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment via Telemedicine
Evaluation of a telemedicine pilot program for the provision of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in the Southeastern United States
Experiences with Telemedicine for HIV Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study
In-person vs. Electronic Directly Observed Therapy for Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence
Electronic directly observed therapy (eDOT) is increasingly used for monitoring tuberculosis treatment, yet evidence on its efficacy is limited. This crossover trial enrolled 216 participants with tuberculosis and compared completion rates of medication doses between electronic and in-person directly observed therapy. Results showed noninferiority of eDOT, supporting its efficacy and potential inclusion in standard care for tuberculosis treatment.
Patient Experience with In-Person and Telehealth Visits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic at a Large Integrated Health System in the United States
Rapid Implementation of a Telemedicine Program in a Ryan White–Funded HIV Clinic During a Global Pandemic
Tele-Audiology: Current State and Future Directions
The Changing Nature of Telehealth Use by Primary Care Physicians in the United States
Use of Telehealth Services for Prenatal Care in Mississippi: Comparison of Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic and Pandemic Obstetric Management
Brief Report: Supporting Access to HIV Care for Children and Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Telemedicine and Rideshare
Building telehealth teams of the future through Interprofessional curriculum development: a five-year mixed methodology study
This five-year study analyzed the development of interprofessional telehealth curricula to prepare health care teams for future telehealth services. Findings suggest that an interprofessional approach enhances health care providers’ competencies in delivering effective telehealth care across various disciplines.
Feasibility and acceptability of a digital health intervention to promote engagement in and adherence to medication for opioid use disorder
This study focuses on the effects of digital health intervention to address behavioral health concerns in adults. Buprenorphine-naloxone is effective for opioid use disorder, but many patients discontinue treatment early. This study found that a personalized, computer- and text message-delivered intervention is highly acceptable to patients, suggesting it could improve treatment adherence and outcomes by providing flexible, stigma-free support.
Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring With Remote Hypertension Management in a Rural and Low-Income Population
This study assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of home blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring in a predominantly rural, low-income population. The intervention was associated with greater BP reductions compared to usual care. These findings suggest that remote telemonitoring is effective for managing hypertension, especially in underserved populations.
Medicare Beneficiaries’ Use of Telehealth in 2020: Trends by Beneficiary Characteristics and Location
Patient and Provider Perspectives on Pediatric Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Technology Support Challenges and Recommendations for Adapting an Evidence-Based Exercise Program for Remote Delivery to Older Adults: Exploratory Mixed Methods Study
Telehealth for HIV Care Services in South Carolina: Utilization, Barriers, and Promotion Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A randomized controlled trial of self-management for people with epilepsy and a history of negative health events (SMART) targeting rural and underserved people with epilepsy: a methodologic report
This study aims to address the lack of epilepsy self-management research in rural communities by replicating and adapting a Web-based self-management program for people living with epilepsy. The researchers will refine the program with input from community stakeholders and conduct a prospective randomized control trial in rural and semi-rural areas to evaluate its effectiveness in reducing negative health events among people living with epilepsy. By leveraging input from stakeholders and prioritizing the needs of rural populations, this study seeks to provide valuable insights for implementing successful self-management programs tailored to underserved communities.
Bringing Iowa TelePrEP to Scale: A Qualitative Evaluation
Development and Preliminary Feasibility of iByte4Health: A Mobile Health (mHealth) Pediatric Obesity Prevention Intervention to Engage Parents with Low-Income of Children 2-9 Years
Georgia Leverages Telehealth to Expand HIV Care Management in Underserved Areas
Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring with Remote Hypertension Management in a Rural and Low-Income Population
This study evaluated home blood pressure telemonitoring among a predominantly rural, low-income group. It found that the intervention was feasible and effective, with significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, though there were some adverse events.
Implementation of Telehealth Services in Rural Schools: A Qualitative Assessment
Not Home Alone: Leveraging Telehealth and Informatics to Create a Lean Model for COVID-19 Patient Home Care
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a university system launched a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program to manage patients with SARS-CoV-2. The program consisted of RPM nurses, along with ambulatory providers and video visits, and managed patients from underserved populations or at high risk of complications. This program included care escalation, to primary care or emergency visits, based on preset criteria with a resulting 89% of moderate- to high-risk patients treated at home.
Telehealth Competencies for Nursing Education and Practice
Trends in Outpatient Telemedicine Utilization Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, 2010-2019
In a study of 10.4 million rural Medicare beneficiaries, researchers discovered continuous growth in telemedicine use among Medicare beneficiaries with a disproportionate share of all telemedicine visits for serious mental illness (e.g., bipolar disorder) between 2010 and 2019 – especially for care provided by nurse practitioners and other non-physician clinicians.
Employing telehealth within HIV care: advantages, challenges, and recommendations
State Medicaid Telehealth Policies Before and During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The pandemic led to an expansion of telehealth access for individuals receiving Medicaid across the United States. Based on Medicaid claims data, the authors discuss the growth in telehealth use by Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients. The report also analyzes state policies for telehealth reimbursement under Medicaid and discusses how these changes are likely to impact access and health equity.
State Medicaid Telehealth Policies Before and During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Keeping Pace With 21st Century Healthcare: A Framework for Telehealth Research, Practice, and Program Evaluation in Occupational Therapy
Telehealth for HIV Care Services in South Carolina: Utilization, Barriers, and Promotion Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
This guide reviews the research on the effectiveness of using telehealth for serious mental illness and substance abuse disorders. It makes recommendations for practice and provides examples of how practitioners use these practices in their programs.
Seeing the Value of Video: A Qualitative Study on Patient Preference for Using Video in a Veteran Affairs Telemental Health Program Evaluation
Telephone-based depression self-management in Hispanic adults with epilepsy: a pilot randomized controlled trial
This research regards a telephone-based depression self-management program, which was evaluated for feasibility, acceptability, and its effects on depressive symptoms in Hispanic adults with epilepsy. High recruitment and retention rates were observed, with participants showing high satisfaction with the intervention. Program participants exhibited lower rates of clinically significant depressive symptoms compared to usual care throughout the 12-month follow-up, suggesting promising effects on depressive symptoms among Hispanic adults with epilepsy.
Using community-based participatory methods to design a digital intervention for mothers with substance use disorders: Qualitative results from focus group discussions
This community-based participatory research project explored the feasibility of using digital technology to deliver parenting and recovery supports to mothers recovering from substance addiction. Findings highlighted themes related to the challenges faced by these mothers, their support needs, and the potential benefits of digital interventions in enhancing both recovery and parenting. The study suggests further investigation into tailored digital support applications guided by community input to supplement traditional treatment approaches.
Comparative effects of telephone versus in-office behavioral counseling to improve HIV treatment outcomes among people living with HIV in a rural setting
Evaluation of an Intrahospital Telemedicine Program for Patients Admitted With COVID-19: Mixed Methods Study
mHealth Mindfulness Intervention for Women with Moderate to Moderately Severe Antenatal Depressive Symptoms: a Pilot Study within an integrated Health Care System
This study investigated the feasibility and acceptability of a mobile-delivered mindfulness intervention using an app among pregnant women with moderate-to-moderately-severe depression symptoms. Results showed high participant engagement and satisfaction with the self-paced program, highlighting its convenience and effectiveness in improving depression symptoms, stress, sleep quality, and mindfulness. These findings suggest promise for future efficacy trials in enhancing mental health care accessibility during pregnancy.
Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services
This study focuses on technology-based therapeutic tools like telehealth, which has become integral in behavioral health services, offering both synchronous (e.g., video conferencing) and asynchronous (e.g., mobile apps, messaging) modalities. Synchronous telehealth allows providers to deliver therapies similarly to in-office settings, while asynchronous methods support ongoing care through tools like reminders and diaries. Given the evolving regulations and reimbursement policies for telehealth, providers and administrators must stay updated with national and state guidelines and insurer policies. Addressing privacy concerns through HIPAA-compliant technology and ensuring both providers and patients have access and training are crucial for effective implementation.
Realize, Analyze, Engage: A digital tool to support recovery from Substance Use Disorder
The Realize Analyze Engage mHealth intervention aims to address substance use disorder challenges by detecting and intervening in real-time stress and drug craving events outside of clinical settings. The study plans to evaluate the interventions accuracy, usability, and impact through an observational trial and subsequent randomized controlled trial, to enhance treatment outcomes such as reduced relapse rates, improved retention in treatment, and enhanced quality of life among participants in outpatient SUD treatment.
Use of Telehealth in Substance Use Disorder Services During and After COVID-19: Online Survey Study
This study investigated the widespread adoption of telephone and video technologies for delivering treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study looked at the acceptance and intent to use telehealth among service providers beyond the pandemic. Findings revealed high utilization rates of telehealth services across different SUD treatment modalities, with organizations expressing intent to continue using telehealth post-pandemic. The study highlighted the influence of perceived usefulness and ease of use on the acceptance of telehealth, emphasizing their potential for sustained application in SUD care.
Evaluation of Pragmatic Telehealth Physical Therapy Implementation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The goal of this study is to evaluate the implementation of telehealth physical therapy in response to COVID-19 and identify strategies to maintain and scale up its use in a large urban academic medical center. The results indicate that telehealth physical therapy was utilized and accessible during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing guidance for future initiatives to expand its use and study in physical therapy through health policy, quality improvement, and implementation science efforts.
HRSA's Evidence-Based Tele-Emergency Network Grant Program: Multi-site Prospective Cohort Analysis Across Six Rural Emergency Department Telemedicine Networks
Kentucky Women’s Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network: A type 1 effectiveness- implementation hybrid trial to increase utilization of medications for opioid use disorder among justice-involved women
The Kentucky Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network will trial a telehealth-based medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) pretreatment model for justice-involved women transitioning from jail to the community. This project aims to increase MOUD initiation and maintenance, reducing opioid relapse and overdose, and contributing valuable evidence on effective treatment technologies for high-risk, justice-involved women.
The Future of Telehealth in School-Based Health Centers: Lessons from COVID-19
The Provision of Counseling to Patients Receiving Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: Telehealth Innovations and Challenges in the Age of COVID-19
Patient Characteristics Associated With Telemedicine Access for Primary and Specialty Ambulatory Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Telemedicine use has expanded since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the purpose of this study was to evaluate what inequities may exist in its design. Among patients scheduled for primary care and ambulatory telemedicine visits, differences were seen in rates of telemedicine and video use.
Maternal Telehealth Access Project (MTAP) Report on Community Grant Program
The Maternal Telehealth Access Project (MTAP) was launched to ensure that quality telehealth prenatal and postpartum services are accessible and available in underserved communities during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Increased access to perinatal services and support via telehealth, including clinical care, care coordination, support, and doulas/community health workers leads to improved clinical outcomes for moms and babies.
Telebehavioral Health Use Among Rural Medicaid Beneficiaries: Relationships with Telehealth Policies
Telehealth Use in a Rural State: A Mixed Methods Study Using Maine's All-Payer Claims Database
Opioid Use Disorder ECHO: A Program Evaluation of a Project That Provides Knowledge and Builds Capacity for Community Health Workers in Medically Underserved Areas of South Texas
This research publication addresses the rising concern of opioid use disorder by implementing the Opioid Addiction Treatment ECHO for CHWs program. This program trained CHWs in rural and medically underserved areas via teleconferencing technology. The program focused on behavioral health integration, specifically targeting opioid prescription misuse, and resulted in increased knowledge attainment among CHWs. The study concludes that the ECHO model effectively connected subject matter experts with CHWs in local communities, highlighting its potential in addressing public health challenges.
Environmental Scan on Telehealth in the Context of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and Physician-Focused Payment Models (PFPMs)
This publication explores the integration of telehealth within Medicare's alternative payment models (APMs) and physician-focused payment models (PFPMs). The study examines the evolution of telehealth coverage and reimbursement policies under Medicare and Medicaid, discusses the effectiveness of telehealth interventions across various clinical settings, and identifies key issues and opportunities for optimizing telehealth integration within APMs and PFPMs, including challenges related to billing, interoperability, and patient-centered care.
Leveraging Digital Platforms to Scale Health Care Workforce Development: The Career 911 Massive Open Online Course
A massive open online course (MOOC) called Career 911 was created to encourage students to explore health-related professions.
Telepsychiatric Consultation as a Training and Workforce Development Strategy for Rural Primary Care
Averted Transfers in Rural Emergency Departments Using Telemedicine: Rates and Costs Across Six TeleED Networks
Outcomes of a Rapid Adolescent Telehealth Scale-Up During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Medicare Beneficiary Use of Telehealth Visits: Early Data from the Start of the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study examines the rapid rise of telehealth in Medicare primary care visits during the COVID-19 public health emergency, with nearly half of visits conducted via telehealth in April 2020, compared to almost none before the pandemic. Although in-person visits began to resume by mid-April, telehealth usage stabilized at a significant level by June. This study notes similar patterns of telehealth use among different Medicare beneficiary groups, with rural providers seeing smaller increases compared to urban providers. Additionally, major urban areas with higher COVID-19 hospitalizations saw greater adoption of telehealth, influenced by both pandemic concerns and the readiness of patients and providers.
A telehealth lifestyle intervention to reduce excess gestational weight gain in pregnant women with overweight or obesity (GLOW): a randomised, parallel-group, controlled trial
Process of Identifying Measures and Data Elements for the HRSA School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program
Telehealth with remote blood pressure monitoring compared with standard care for postpartum hypertension
Emergency Department Telemedicine Consults are Associated with Faster Time-to-ECG and Time-to-Fibrinolysis for Myocardial Infarction Patients
Provider-to-Provider Telemedicine Improves Adherence to Sepsis Bundle Care in Community Emergency Departments
Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnant Women via Telemedicine: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial
Emergency Department Telemedicine Consults Decrease Time to Interpret Computed Tomography of the Head in a Multi-Network Cohort
Tele-Emergency Behavioral Health in Rural and Underserved Areas
A Postpartum Remote Hypertension Monitoring Protocol Implemented at the Hospital Level
The Use of Telehealth in School-Based Health Centers
School-based telehealth programs can expand health care access to rural and underserved youth by eliminating barriers to access, such as transportation. This article describes characteristics of School-Based Telehealth Centers using technology to add to the access of care beyond onsite providers for underserved communities.
Development of a tailored, telehealth intervention to address chronic pain and heavy drinking among people with HIV infection: integrating perspectives of patients in HIV care
The Use of and Experiences With Telelactation Among Rural Breastfeeding Mothers: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Telehealth and texting intervention to improve HIV care engagement, mental health and substance use outcomes in youth living with HIV: a pilot feasibility and acceptability study protocol
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Retention and Adherence to Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Young People at Risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus: The EPIC Study
Text Messages Can Encourage Patients to Discuss and Receive HIV Testing in Primary Care
Pediatric tele-emergency care: A study of two delivery models
The Third National Telemedicine & Telehealth Service Provider Showcase Conference: Advancing Telehealth Partnerships
Experiences of Medicaid Programs and Health Centers in Implementing Telehealth
This study aims to spotlight the potential of telehealth to improve care quality and access in underserved communities by reducing wait times and enhancing convenience, despite its underutilization by safety-net providers like federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) due to various barriers. Through state-to-state learning and exploring the experiences of state Medicaid programs and FQHCs, this study identifies key themes for policymakers, including the importance of authorizing FQHCs to serve as both originating and distant sites, clarifying telehealth policies, and integrating telehealth with strategies to address workforce shortages in rural areas. Additionally, researchers emphasize the need for case studies on profitable telehealth programs and calls for further research on telehealth policies specific to FQHCs.
Feasibility and acceptability of an online positive affect intervention for those living with comorbid HIV depression
Implementation Strategies for Telestroke: A Qualitative Study of Telestroke Networks in North Carolina
Telestroke Adoption Among Community Hospitals in North Carolina: A Cross-Sectional Study
Telemedicine Use Decreases Rural Emergency Department Length of Stay for Transferred North Dakota Trauma Patients