Best practice guides
Whether you are an administrator, hospitalist, or private practitioner — learn how others in your field are using telehealth to connect with patients. Get practical recommendations on billing, strategy, and more to help understand if telehealth is right for you.
Privacy and security for telehealth
Ensuring the privacy and security of patient health information is essential for patients to feel comfortable using telehealth.
Telehealth accreditation
Telehealth accreditation helps ensure that telehealth programs adhere to standards, evidence-based best practices, and regulations.
Telehealth and remote patient monitoring
Remote patient monitoring is the use of digital devices to monitor a patient's health.
Telehealth for American Indian and Alaska Native communities
Learn how to tailor your telehealth practice to the unique needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Telehealth for behavioral health care
Telehealth is an effective tool that expands access to behavioral health services.
Telehealth and cancer care
Explore the growing practice of tele-oncology and how telehealth is being successfully used as part of an integrative plan for the treatment of cancer.
Telehealth for chronic conditions
Find information and resources on how to use telehealth to support chronic disease management.
Telehealth for diabetes management
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in every ten people in America have diabetes and an additional 96 million people are living with pre-diabetes. Telehealth and telemedicine can be effective tools to manage diabetes.
Telehealth for direct-to-consumer care
Learn how to use direct-to-consumer telehealth to virtually connect with patients.
Telehealth for emergency departments
Using telehealth technology in the emergency department can increase access to medical specialists and help protect providers and patients.
Telehealth for emergency preparedness
Telehealth is a crucial tool for providing health care during an emergency.
Telehealth for HIV care
Telehealth can be used to diagnose, treat, prevent and create a community wide response to HIV.
Telehealth for infants and toddlers
Find information and resources on using telehealth to improve health care access for infants and toddlers.
Telehealth for maternal health services
Find information and resources on how to use telehealth to improve maternal health care access.
Telehealth for older adults
Learn how to adapt a practice using telehealth for the needs of older patients.
Telehealth for oral health
Telehealth can enhance oral health care by enabling remote consultations and assessments.
Telehealth for physical therapy
Both patients and providers can benefit from the increased flexibility, evolving technologies, and ground-breaking tools being leveraged in the growing practice of tele-physical therapy.
Telehealth for rural areas
Learn strategies for developing a rural telehealth program.
Telehealth for school-based services
School-based telehealth can help children more easily receive health care services.
Telehealth for substance use disorder
Find information and resources on using telehealth for substance use disorder treatment.
Telehealth training and workforce development
How health care providers can use virtual trainings to implement a telehealth program and learn new telehealth skills.
Using telehealth in hybrid care
A hybrid care approach uses a combination of virtual and in-person appointments to deliver appropriate care.