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Community stories

Read how providers and patients can use virtual visits to improve access to health care.

  • Pediatric psychiatrist using her computer to conduct a virtual visit.
    Provider Story

    Transforming access to pediatric mental health care with telehealth

    Learn how providers can use telehealth to improve access to mental health care.

  • School counselor sitting next to child with special needs looking at a computer screen.
    Provider Story

    Telehealth for mental health care in rural schools

    Telehealth can help provide mental health care to students living in rural places.

  • Room in an emergency department with a telehealth cart facing the bed.
    Provider Story

    Expanding access to emergency care in rural hospitals

    Rural hospitals can use telehealth to provide timely emergency care.

  • Woman sitting in a chair while a nurse holds a laptop with live video of physician.
    Provider Story

    Home-based, hybrid health care in rural communities

    Telehealth and in-person care can be used together to work to improve health outcomes.

  • Physicians participating in an education session by computer
    Provider Story

    Using technology to enhance provider expertise in pediatric behavioral health

    Technology can be used to increase provider expertise.

  • Woman speaking with her doctor using a cell phone.
    Provider Story

    Expanding access to telehealth on an island

    Addressing technology barriers can increase access to care using telehealth.

  • Parte posterior de una camioneta, con dos puertas de entrada y un cartel en el lateral en el que se lee “Servicio de Salud del Condado de Carolina —Salud Mental—“ y un número de teléfono.
    Provider Story

    Mobile clinics for substance use disorder

    Mobile clinics can help people with substance use disorder who live in rural areas.

  • Parent and child sitting on a couch greeting provider on the computer screen
    Patient Story

    Using telehealth to connect kids to mental health care

    Learn how children and families use telehealth to access mental health care.

  • Young woman teaching older adult how to use computer.
    Provider Story

    Using digital navigators to get telehealth care

    Digital navigators can teach patients how to get health care from home or work.

  • people talking at a table.
    Provider Story

    Building telehealth partnerships

    Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands create telehealth programs.

  • Female doctor on computer screen providing a virtual visit to a patient in a clinic through telehealth.
    Patient Story

    How telehealth helps patients access care

    Learn how telehealth provided in a mobile clinic helps health center patients access care.