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Home-based, hybrid health care in rural communities

Telehealth and in-person care can be used together to work to improve health outcomes.

Woman sitting in a chair while a nurse holds a laptop with live video of physician.

People living in rural areas may face barriers to getting health care services. Preventable early deaths from the 5 leading causes of death are more common among people living in rural areas. Many rural patients have to travel long distances to get health care.

To help residents in eastern North Carolina better manage their health, East Carolina University (ECU) created a program that provides health care both in-person and virtually. The program includes a nurse visit to the patient in their home. Using telehealth, the nurse and patient meet virtually with a provider at a health center.

Patients can use telehealth to see different types of providers. They can also connect virtually with a pharmacist. Because the nurse is sitting next to the patient during the telehealth visit, they can assess if additional care is needed. Through the combination of telehealth and in-person care, health issues “are more readily discoverable and actionable because the whole team can come together.” ECU is measuring how the program affects health outcomes and costs.


Through the combination of telehealth and in-person care, health issues "are more readily discoverable and actionable".

The ability to get coordinated care through telehealth has changed this patient's life.

The program has been life changing for one family. A patient with diabetes who was bed bound was referred to the program. During the initial home visit, the nurse learned about the patient’s other health care needs. The nurse was able to connect the patient to additional providers. Now the patient meets regularly with different health care providers using telehealth. They can sit up in a chair and have not needed to visit the hospital as often. The ability to get coordinated care through telehealth has changed this patient’s life.