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How health care providers can use telehealth to treat American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Telehealth for American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Billing for telehealth

Learn about policies and reimbursement for telehealth services.


Medicare policies for telehealth continue to evolve. For the latest information, view the list of telehealth services. The following Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes are frequently used to bill for telehealth services. Coding guidance is subject to change

Primary care

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth



Self-management, individual patient30 minNo
98961Self-management training, group (2-4 individuals)30 minNo
98962Self-management training, group (5-8 individuals)30 minNo
98966Telephone call for assessment and management by non-physician5-10 minYes
98967Telephone call for assessment and management by non-physician11-20 minYes
98968Telephone call for assessment and management by non-physician21-30 minYes
99202Outpatient visit (new patient)15-29 minYes
99203Outpatient visit (new patient)30-44 minYes
99204Outpatient visit (new patient)45-59 minYes
99205Outpatient visit (new patient)60-74 minYes
99211Outpatient visit (established patient)5 minYes
99212Outpatient visit (established patient)10-19 minYes
99213Outpatient visit (established patient)20-29 minYes
99214Outpatient visit (established patient)30-39 minYes
99215Outpatient visit (established patient)40-55 minYes
G0438Initial annual wellness visitN/AYes
G0439Subsequent annual wellness visitN/AYes
G0506 Comprehensive assessment care planN/AYes
G2212Prolonged outpatient visitAdditional 15 minYes

Disease management

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
96156Health behavior assessmentN/AYes
96158Health behavior intervention30 minYes
96159Health behavior interventionAdditional 15 minYes
96160Patient-focused health risk assessment using standardized instrumentN/AYes
96164Health behavior intervention, group 30 minYes
96165Health behavior intervention, group Additional 15 minYes
96167Health behavior intervention, patient with family30 minYes
96168Health behavior intervention, patient with familyAdditional 15 minYes
96170Health behavior intervention, family without patient30 minNo
96171Health behavior intervention, family without patientAdditional 15 minNo
97802Medical nutrition therapy, initial assessment15 minYes
97803Medical nutrition, re-assessment15 minYes
97804Medical nutrition, group assessment30 minYes
99453Remote patient monitoring (RPM) devices set upN/ANo
99454Monitoring data from RPM deviceN/ANo
99457Patient-provider communication related to RPM data20 minNo
99458Patient-provider communication related to RPM dataAdditional 20 minNo
G0270Medical nutrition therapy, reassessment, intervention15 minYes
G0447Obesity counseling15 minYes

Cardiovascular conditions

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
93750Interrogation of ventricular assist deviceN/ANo
93797Cardiac rehabilitation, without ECG60 minNo
93798Cardiac rehabilitation, with ECG60 minNo
99473Self-measured blood pressure, education and trainingN/ANo
G0422Intensive cardiac rehabilitation with exercise60 minNo
G0423Intensive cardiac rehabilitation without exercise60 minNo
G0446Intensive behavioral therapy for cardiovascular disease15 minYes

Pulmonary disease

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
94005Home ventilator management supervisionN/ANo
94625Pulmonary rehabilitation, without monitoring60 minNo
94626Pulmonary rehabilitation with monitoring60 minNo
94664Demonstration or evaluation of use of inhalerN/ANo


CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
G0108Diabetes self-management training, individual30 minYes
G0109Diabetes self-management training, group30 minYes

Tobacco and substance use

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
99406Tobacco and smoking cessation counseling3-10 minYes
99407Tobacco and smoking cessation counseling10 or more minYes
G0396Alcohol and substance misuse assessment15-30 minYes
G0397Alcohol and substance misuse assessment30 or more minYes
G0442Alcohol and substance misuse screening5-15 minYes
G0443Alcohol and substance misuse counseling5-15 minYes
G2086Treatment for opioid use disorder, first month70 or more minYes
G2087Treatment for opioid use disorder, subsequent months60 or more minYes
G2088Treatment for opioid use disorderAdditional 30 minYes

Mental and behavioral health

CPT/HCPCs codeDescriptionTimePermanent coverage for telehealth
G0444Annual depression screening5-15 minYes
90785Psychotherapy with interactive complexityN/AYes
90791Psychological diagnostic evaluationUp to 90 minYes
90792Psychological diagnostic evaluation with medical services1-2 hoursYes
90832Psychotherapy, no medical evaluation16-37 minYes
90833Psychotherapy with medical evaluation30 minYes
90834Psychotherapy, no medical evaluation38-52 minYes
90836Psychotherapy with medical evaluation45 minYes
90837Psychotherapy, no medical evaluation53 or more minYes
90838Psychotherapy with medical evaluation60 minYes
90839Psychotherapy for crisis60 minYes
90840Psychotherapy for crisisAdditional 30 minYes
90846Family psychotherapy without patient26 or more minYes
90847Family psychotherapy with patient26 or more minYes
90853Group psychotherapy45-60 minYes


Each state has its own billing and reimbursement policies. For tips on Medicaid policies, visit Medicaid and Medicare overview.

Private insurance

Find out if the patient has private insurance. If so, check with the patient's insurance company for information on their billing and reimbursement policies. For tips on private insurance policies, look up policy by jurisdiction.

More information:

Billing for telehealth — Health Resources and Services Administration

Medicare and Medicaid policies — Health Resources and Services Administration

Medicare payment policies — Health Resources and Services Administration

Telehealth policy — Health Resources and Services Administration

Medicare for American Indians and Alaska Natives — Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Toolkit— Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Understanding telehealth policy — National Telehealth Policy Resource Center