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What is telehealth for substance use disorder?

People with a substance use disorder can use telehealth to get expert care. Telehealth may be an option for patients to receive counseling and medications.

What are the benefits of using telehealth?

There are a number of way telehealth can support substance use disorder treatment and management, including:

Privacy. Receive care without having to go to a public place.

Support. Access trained providers that understand your needs.

Convenience. Reduce travel time to get care.

How can telehealth services support people with a substance use disorder?

Telehealth can be used to treat substance use disorder in several ways:

  • Medications for opioid use disorder
  • Individual or group therapy

What types of providers can I see using telehealth?

Telehealth helps individuals with a substance use disorder access different types of health care professionals, including:

  • Primary care provider
  • Addiction specialist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Social Worker
  • Counselor

How do I prepare for a telehealth appointment?

There are several steps you can take to make sure your telehealth appointment goes smoothly:

  • Find a provider. Call your health insurance company to find a provider who offers telehealth.
  • Understand costs. Check with your insurance company or provider to understand coverage and determine any out-of-pocket expenses before scheduling your visit.
  • Check your technology. Before the appointment, make sure your computer, smartphone, or tablet is plugged in and charged.
  • Test run. Before the visit, have a member of your health team help you check your camera, sound, and internet connection to ensure they work properly.
  • Be prepared. Write down any questions you have and gather information the provider may need, such as your current medications and weight.
  • Quiet space. Choose a quiet and comfortable place for your visit, so background noise is low and you feel safe during the appointment.
  • Feel confident. Understand that, like an in-person appointment, the information you share during the telehealth visit is secure. It cannot be shared without your permission.

More information:

How do I use telehealth for behavioral health care? – Health Resources and Services Administration

What do I need to use telehealth? — Health Resources and Services Administration

What emergency hotlines are available? — Health Resources and Services Administration

What should I know before my telehealth visit? — Health Resources and Services Administration

Why use telehealth? — Health Resources and Services Administration