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Telehealth for older adults

Telehealth for chronic conditions

Telehealth can help you manage your older patients’ chronic conditions.

Why use telehealth to manage chronic conditions for older patients?

Telehealth may lessen the burden for patients who need frequent appointments. Nearly 75 percent of older adults have at least one chronic condition with arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes as the most common. Telehealth can help with monitoring chronic conditions.

Telehealth is used to treat many chronic conditions, including:

Telehealth may help increase a patient’s access to care. Telehealth can help manage chronic conditions. It’s important to consider an older patient’s comfort with technology before using telehealth.

Tip: Find recent research articles to explore telehealth for chronic conditions.

Remote monitoring

Managing chronic conditions requires frequent testing and monitoring. This helps to keep older patients’ healthy.

Remote patient monitoring for older patients with chronic conditions may help with management. Remote monitoring devices may automatically transmit the patient’s health data. Examples include:

  • Diabetes management with blood glucose meters and weight scales
  • Hypertension management by blood pressure and heart monitors
  • Patients with pulmonary disease or respiratory illnesses may use pulse oximeters and breathing devices

More information

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring — Health Resources and Services Administration

Telehealth for chronic conditions best practice guide — Health Resources and Services Administration

Tips to leverage remote patient monitoring in your practice (PDF) — Health Resources and Services Administration

Securing Telehealth Remote Monitoring Ecosystem — National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence