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Using telehealth in hybrid care

Getting started

Using telehealth in a hybrid care model combines the convenience of virtual visits with in-person appointments, offering a flexible and accessible approach to health care tailored to each patient’s needs.

What are the technology considerations for using telehealth in hybrid care?

Hybrid telehealth integrates in-person and telehealth services. Instead of traveling to the health care provider for all health care visits, patients can use telehealth when medically appropriate. When implementing a hybrid care approach, it is essential to consider the technology infrastructure required to support in-person and virtual care effectively. Key considerations include:

  • Connectivity. Make sure you and your patients have a reliable and secure high-speed internet connection. Connectivity is essential to enable access to a telehealth visit. Connectivity also ensures that telehealth visits are not interrupted and that there are no delays in the transmission of information. A strong internet connection is also essential to support the electronic transmission of test results and other health-related content, as well as the secure exchange of information between providers and patients.
  • Usability. It is essential to invest in technology with an intuitive design. Good design facilitates navigation for both providers and patients. You should also look for technology that is accessible for all patients. The selected telehealth platform must also integrate with your practice’s existing technology, including the electronic health record. There should be clear instructions on how to find and enter information.
  • Privacy and security. To protect patient privacy, it is crucial to ensure that all communications and data storage comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and health care standards. This is essential to prevent unauthorized access to patient data. All electronic devices must also comply with data security standards. Software must be regularly updated to ensure the protection of patient data.

Tip: It is important to conduct routine audits and compliance checks to help maintain the integrity of your hybrid care approach. These checks verify that all technology and processes align with current health care regulations. Additionally, conducting these audits routinely helps identify potential vulnerabilities or non-compliance issues.

What training and support do providers need to use a hybrid approach to health care?

Training and support are critical for health care providers using hybrid care models.

Telehealth competency training programs enhance a provider’s ability to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. Providers must comply with medical and technical standards when using telehealth. Some of the topics covered during competency training programs include:

  • Communication. This includes developing communication skills, encouraging patient engagement, and facilitating positive interactions while using telehealth platforms. It is essential to ensure that the quality of care is the same regardless of whether care is provided in-person or using telehealth.
  • Telehealth technologies. Providers need to be familiar with the different types of technology, including secure video conferencing tools and patient management systems. Effective use of these technologies is critical to facilitate the seamless integration of in-person and virtual health care.
  • Best practices. It is essential to provide regular training on best practices. This includes highlighting the importance of reliable technology and which services can be safely delivered virtually.
  • Continuing education. Health care professionals must stay current with medical advancements, technologies, and regulatory changes. Continuing education courses enhance clinical skills and ensure providers have the knowledge and skills to deliver optimal care in a health care landscape that is continuously evolving.
  • Digital literacy. All members of the health care team must be familiar with technology and be comfortable using it. This ensures that technology is used effectively and efficiently to provide optimal patient care. Members of the health care team may also be required to assist patients who have limited technology experience.

Documented procedures for delivering care via telehealth or in-person is important. This can help health care providers deliver seamless and high-quality care. Documentation may include the following features:

  • Guidelines outline critical processes that facilitate the smooth integration of technology and personalized care. These processes include preparing patients and providers before each session, using reliable technology, fostering clear communication, and following data security procedures.
  • Instructions provide clear guidance for patients. This can reduce disruptions during telehealth sessions. Simple steps describing how to use a device for a telehealth visit enhance the experience for patients and providers.
  • Technology support must be easily accessible. It is important to address technological barriers and issues that can negatively impact patient-provider interactions.

Did you know?

Hybrid telehealth models may increase accessibility and convenience for patients.

Provider support resources equip health care professionals with the knowledge and information they need to deliver effective care. These resources may include the following:

  • Technical support and resources include dedicated help desks, troubleshooting guides, and ongoing training sessions. These resources help providers and staff navigate technical issues, minimize downtime, and enhance the overall quality of care.
  • Telehealth champions are providers and other health care leaders who are experienced users of virtual care. They help motivate, encourage, and train other professionals who may be reluctant to use telehealth.
  • Peer support and networking opportunities offer interactions that can help providers engage in programs that foster professional growth and learning to help build a supportive community.

More information:

Build a sustainable telehealth practice — Health Resources and Services Administration

Planning your telehealth workflow — Health Resources and Services Administration

Hybrid virtual care models for optimal patient experience — California Telehealth Resource Center


The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) launched the Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) Optimizing Virtual Care (OVC). The QIF-OVC project supported health centers to develop, implement, and evaluate new strategies for virtual care. This program worked to increase access to care and improve clinical quality.

Learn how to plan for virtual care delivery, tackle challenges implementing virtual care, and enhance virtual care sustainability using the QIF-Optimizing Virtual Care Toolkit.