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Telehealth for oral health

Types of teledentistry services

Teledentistry includes various services that enable patients to receive dental care remotely, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Types of teledentistry

The range of teledentistry services caters to a variety of needs, making dental care more flexible and accessible.

  • Examinations and screening assessments. These are integral to modern dental care, providing a convenient way to initially assess patients and allow for ongoing patient management. To effectively integrate them into your practice, establish clear protocols to ensure the dentist and patient understand the process and expectations. You should also develop guidelines to help identify, based on the complexity of the case and the need for physical interventions, which cases are suitable for telehealth examinations and which require in-person care.
  • Follow-up care. Effective management of follow-up visits in teledentistry is crucial for ensuring patients' ongoing health and satisfaction. You should implement best practices for conducting follow-up visits, focusing on monitoring ongoing treatments and post-operative care. You should ensure that each session contributes to the patient’s recovery and health. Make sure to consider developing effective communication and patient engagement strategies during virtual follow-ups. This could include using clear and empathetic language and employing tools that facilitate interaction, such as screen sharing or digital annotations. These approaches help you maintain a high standard of care in teledentistry and ensure that patients feel supported and well-informed throughout their treatment journey.
  • Emergency care. Handling dental emergencies via teledentistry involves specific protocols and guidelines that ensure patient safety and appropriate care. It is important to establish clear protocols for triaging and conducting urgent consultations via telehealth. Providers must quickly assess the severity of the emergency and decide the next steps. It is recommended that you set criteria for determining when to refer patients for immediate in-person care, ensuring that cases requiring physical intervention are addressed promptly and efficiently. These practices ensure that dental emergencies are managed effectively, providing timely and appropriate care to patients when they need it most, even if the initial consultation happens remotely.
  • Virtual examinations. Conducting virtual dental examinations requires specific techniques to ensure effectiveness and patient cooperation, as well as strategies to address inherent limitations. It is important to employ techniques for effective remote visual examination, including providing clear guidance to patients on how to assist in the process, such as positioning their camera and using a mirror to help the dentist see inside their mouth. When using teledentistry, you need to acknowledge the limitations of virtual examinations, such as the inability to perform hands-on procedures or detect certain conditions without specialized equipment. Mitigate these limitations by having protocols for when an in-person visit is necessary and ensuring patients understand the importance of follow-up physical examinations when recommended. These approaches ensure that virtual examinations are as thorough and effective as possible while also maintaining patient safety and care quality.
  • Treatment planning. Effective treatment planning and management are crucial to successful teledentistry services. This ensures that patients receive continuous, high-quality care remotely. Teledentistry can be used to develop and adjust treatment plans. You can create comprehensive, personalized treatment plans based on virtual assessments that address each patient's needs. You can also adjust treatment plans through ongoing virtual evaluations and patient feedback, ensuring plans remain effective and responsive to the patient’s condition and progress. Teledentistry can also help with remote monitoring and intervention. You can employ telehealth technologies to monitor patient progress and remotely ensure treatment protocol compliance. This can include regular virtual check-ins and digital tools to track patient health indicators. When adjustments are needed, teledentistry can provide timely interventions and guidance through telehealth platforms, helping patients stay on track with their treatment and addressing any issues as they arise. These strategies help maintain a high standard of care in teledentistry, allowing for effective treatment planning, ongoing management, and timely interventions, all while enhancing patient convenience and access to dental care.

Benefits of teledentistry

Teledentistry may offer benefits that enhance patient care and dental practices' efficiency:

  • Access to care. Teledentistry makes dental services accessible to patients in remote, rural, or underserved areas who might otherwise have limited access to dental care.
  • Convenience. Patients can receive consultations and follow-up care without the need for extensive travel.
  • Monitoring and management. Dentists can remotely monitor patient progress and compliance with treatment, ensuring ongoing care without frequent in-person visits.
  • Timely interventions. Teledentistry allows for quick adjustments to treatment plans and timely interventions when patients experience issues or complications.
  • Education and awareness. Virtual platforms can be used to educate patients about oral health practices and preventive care​.
  • Collaboration with specialists. Dentists can easily consult with specialists.

More information

Using Teledentistry to Provide Care for Children — Administration for Children and Families