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Upcoming telehealth events

Upcoming webinars, conferences, and other events around telehealth.

  • Nov 13 2024

    Project ECHO Dermatology: Biopsy Breakdown

    12:45 PM - 1:45 PM EST

    This recurring webinar series will provide an in-depth overview of shave and punch biopsy techniques. This session will feature expert dermatologists who will demonstrate the proper methods for performing these common dermatological procedures. Participants will gain practical knowledge through detailed presentations, video demonstrations, and interactive Q&A sessions.

    Hosted by Telehealth Centers of Excellence

  • Nov 19 2024

    Telemedicine Applications and Services

    12:15 PM - 3:30 PM EST

    This event will explore various telemedicine applications and services, including tele-pediatrics in the global community, telepsychiatry, telehealth and nursing, telehealth and physical therapy, telehealth and occupational therapy, and tele-infectious disease clinics.

    Hosted by Southwest Telehealth Resource Center

  • Dec 11 2024

    Project ECHO Dermatology: Pediatric Dermatoses

    12:45 PM - 1:45 PM EST

    This recurring webinar series will focus on the diagnosis and management of pediatric dermatoses. This session will feature pediatric dermatology experts who will discuss a variety of skin conditions commonly seen in children, and the session will cover the latest treatment protocols, case studies, and emerging research in pediatric dermatology. Attendees will benefit from interactive presentations, Q&A sessions, and practical tips for managing skin diseases in pediatric patients.

    Hosted by Telehealth Centers of Excellence

  • Feb 05 2025

    Rural Pediatrics ECHO Learning Collaborative

    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    This webinar is for individuals that are leading pediatric or rural ECHOs to share best practices and lessons learned.

    Hosted by National Rural Adolescent and Child Health ECHO Training Center

  • Jun 18 2025

    Rural Pediatrics ECHO Learning Collaborative

    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    This webinar is for individuals that are leading pediatric or rural ECHOs to share best practices and lessons learned.

    Hosted by National Rural Adolescent and Child Health ECHO Training Center

  • Aug 06 2025

    Rural Pediatrics ECHO Learning Collaborative

    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    This webinar is for individuals that are leading pediatric or rural ECHOs to share best practices and lessons learned.

    Hosted by National Rural Adolescent and Child Health ECHO Training Center


past event Past Events

Previous webinars and events highlighting telehealth programs, best practices and resources.